Chapter One: Superwhore?

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It was a beautiful, bright, sunny day in National City and not a villain in sight, or so the city thought. Soon two villains were known as Silver Banshee and Livewire would appear to terrorize the city, destroying surrounding buildings and then helicopters.

However, it was a good thing that the Man of Steel himself, Superman, was visiting his cousin in National City and heard the baddies doing this. As the helicopter was crashing down from the sky a blue and red blur would soar below the half on fire flying vehicle before returning to look like a human and would then set it safely on the ground before using his frost breath to annihilate the fire from existence and would then turn around to face those same villains with a small smile.

"I think you chose the wrong time to mess with the citizens of National City." The man said with a shrug before lightning was thrown at him, which affected him slightly, but not enough to hurt him. However, he lost track of the Banshee who was now behind him and had taken out the DEO-certified earplugs that were given to him. In an anxious way, he would turn around to try to snatch them back.

He would ultimately fail at this attempt and would fall to his knees from the screaming paranormal woman before him, he didn't know her backstory but he knew someone that would. Clark just didn't know if she was listening or if she was on her way, something that he would have to risk as he kept taking the damage from the two villains before smashing his hands together to create a sonic boom sending the two villains launching back and giving him time to recover from the pain which was created in his ears.


The Blonde superheroine had been sitting In her loft, Watching tv when something picked up In her ears... It was A scream. With a sonic boom, she extended her Super Hearing more and heard Superman, Her cousin screaming out. Immediately Kara sped Into her suit and In the blink of an eye was Into the sky. The blonde flew as fast as she could until she got to the place where this was all happening.

Breaking In through the roof and standing beside Kal-el. "Cla- Superman? What the heck Is going on?!" She asked him and glared at the two super Villains who were starting to stand up. "Banshee? Livewire? Didn't I put you two In prison months ago?" Kara asked them.

Clark would stand up looking at Kara Zor-El with a nod. "Yeah, these two broke out of prison...while I was in town and here we are." He said with a simple shrug as if this was a weekly occurrence and would then stare at the two villains. "The Banshee took my earplugs, I'm weak against we'll trade dance partners." He said with a half-smile as he joked.

Clark was now standing up at his full glory, which was exactly six feet tall, his bright smile and his smaller logo meant that he had truly stood for truth, justice, and hope. These criminals had stood for nothing of the sort and in fact, stood for anarchy itself.

Kara grinned softly "Well they must realize they screwed up, Having to deal with TWO Aliens" She was happy to be with her cousin again. God, It had been months since she last saw him. The blonde shook the thoughts off and moved her perfectly straightened hair out of her face and looked at the Villains Also standing at her full height which was about 5'8. Her grin grew as she stared at the villains who looked at each other than the superhero and superheroine.

Kara walked forward towards Banshee, She looked confident, and honestly, the Alien was confident. She's learned how to deal with Banshee's screams. She got face to face with Banshee before going In for a quick punch, But before she could even get her fist close to colliding with the screamer's face she was thrown back Into a wall by the scream.

Groaning loudly she took a second and glared at Banshee before standing up and dusting herself off. Guess she didn't know how to deal with the screamer as well as she thought, She walked closer to Banshee but before she even got that close to getting to her she heard the scream and was thrown back Into the wall. Grunting as she tried to get out but Banshee just kept screaming to keep her pinned to the wall. Her ears, her ears were ringing and god they were probably bleeding. It wouldn't be the first time her ears would bleed because of Banshee

Meanwhile, Clark had already finished off the Livewire in mere moments, thanks to his frost breath he would've been able to stop the lightning from hitting him and would then use his laser vision to burst a pipe to electrify the woman before she collapsed to the ground. With one problem taken care of, there was another to deal with.

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