Chapter 2

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Far away I hear someone saying my name. It’s a boys voice. Then I hear another boys voice, but it’s lower and it sounds like an older man, then the first one. I hear another voice, but this one is from a girl. I start opening my eyes. I’m in a strange bed in a strange room and there is a man standing next to me that I’ve never seen before. ‘Where am I?’ I try to sit up, but it hurts. ‘You’re in the hospital.’ I hear the younger boys voice say. Caspar! ‘Wait, why am I here? And how late is it?’ ‘You got hit by a car and you broke your arm.’ This is the first time I notice my arm. I have plaster on my arm. ‘Wait.. Who are you?’ ‘Stephanie, you don’t remember me?’ She asks shocked. ‘No, I don’t. What are you from me?’ ‘Uh, you’re girlfriend! You really don’t remember me, do you?’ ‘Eh, I don’t think so..’ Everyone is silent. ‘No, of course I remember you, I’m joking.’ I say with a smile. ‘Joe, that’s not funny! For a moment I thought you had amnesia or something!’ ‘That’s a song from 5 seconds of summer.’ ‘Yes, it is.’ And she starts smiling again. ‘But why does my head hurt so bad?’ ‘Well, your head hurts because you have a hangover. You were drunk last night.’ Caspar says. ‘Oh shit, did I do stupid things?’ ‘Well, except that you weren’t careful when you crossed the road, you didn’t do stupid things.’ ‘Oh good.’ The doctor comes in again. ‘You can come home. You only have to shower without getting your arm wet.’ ‘Thanks doc!’ I get up and walk out of the hospital.

 Emma’s p.o.v.

‘Oh my god! Katy!’ ‘What’s up?’ Katy and I are having a sleepover. It’s Saturday and it’s 11 pm. She’s leaving on Sunday, late in the evening. ‘Joe just posted a tweet by saying that he is in the hospital. Oh my god, I hope he’s okay.’ I say shocked. ‘Oh my god! What happened? Why is he in the hospital?’ That’s typical Katy, always curious. ‘He tweeted that he was run over by a car. He broke his arm, but he says that nothing happened except that.’ ‘Well, that’s good right? I mean not his arm, but that he didn’t die..’ ‘Yeah..’ ‘Maybe we should watch a movie? To get your thoughts off it.’ ‘Yes, that’s a good idea, but first let me tweet.’ ‘Haha, you and your tweeting.’ She smiles to me. ‘Okay, I’m ready. So, what movie?’ ‘MEAN GIRLS!’ ‘Yes, I love that movie!’

Katy searches the DVD, while I make some hot chocolate for both of us. ‘Katy! Do you want some marshmallows in it?’ I scream to upstairs, where Katy is searching the movie. I have a lot of movies, so she has to search good to find it. ‘Yes! You know me!’ I hear her screaming from the stairs. I put some mini marshmallows in it. I look around me if nobody sees me and then put 3 in my mouth. I love marshmallows so much. They are delicious. Unfortunately, I never roasted some marshmallows. I’m going to put that on my bucket list.

I walk up the stairs. ‘I found it!’ I hear Katy scream. ‘Good girl!’ I say with a really high voice, like when you talk to a puppy. ‘Oh shut up you haha.’ ‘WAIT!’ ‘What?’ Katy’s shocking faces are just really funny, so I start giggling. ‘We have to make some popcorn!’ I say laughing. ‘Oh yes we should! But why are you laughing?’ ‘You’re facial expressions are genius!’

 We watched the movie and all the popcorn is gone. Some are on the ground, because Katy started throwing them at me. It’s already 3 am and my other brother didn’t come home yet. He is 18 and went out tonight with his friends. He should have been home at 1 am. I’m a bit worried. ‘Katy?’ ‘Yes?’ Katy’s painting her nails, so she can’t see my face. ‘Do you think Jake is okay?’ ‘What do you mean? He did come home right?’ ‘No.. He didn’t. He’s still out.’ ‘But he had to be home at 1am right? Oh shit, maybe something happened to him.’ The phone rings. I run downstairs to pick up the phone and Katy follows me. But the phone stopped ringing. I walk to the living room and see mum talking in the phone. Dad’s sitting next to her with a worried face. He has his ear pressed against the phone, so that he can hear the conversation. ‘What happened? Where’s Jake?’ She’s talking for a few minutes. I sit on the big chair, that’s facing the sofa. Katy keeps standing, but I can tell that she’s also a bit worried. Finally, my mother put down the phone. ‘What happened?’ My mum stays silent. Then she starts crying. And I can say that seeing your mother cry is one of the worst things in the world.

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