part 4

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Assalamualaikum my dear readers let's start with a new update

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Next day
At Malhotra industry
Nandu entered at manik's cabin where cabir was sitting beside manik while manik's concertation was on his phone
Cabir got up and come towards nandu and said

Cab-nandini she nodded

Nan-yes sir nandini Murthy now manik looked at Nandini his eyes fell on her eyes he was looking at her lost in his own thoughts

Cab- manikkk he shouted near his ears
Manik comes to reality


Cab- accha leave meet your new p.a Nandini Murthy

Nan- good morning sir

Mnk- good morning Ms Murthy

Cab- okay I am leaving bye he left there was awkward silence between manan

Mnk-Ms Murthy please be comfortable

Nan- thanks sir

Mnk- hmm so r u gonna join job from today

Nan- yes sir

Mnk-okay so that's your cabin he showed which was beside his cabin in middle there was glass
Manik malhothra was getting nervous for life's first time nandu left to her cabin while manik sit on chair

Mnk- what's wrong with you manik why are you getting nervous

Nandu got up and left from cabin she was walking when she bumped with navya, navya's papers fell down

Nan-I am so sorry

Nav- it's okay are you new

Nan- yes I am... before she could complete navya cut her

Nav-lemme guess are you new p.a of manik sir


Nav- ohh i am cabir's p.a ek secret bolo he is my boyfriend


Nav-friends she forwarded her hand nandu too

Nan- friends

Nav-were you going somewhere

Nan- ya can you tell me where is that room where all files are kept

Nav- ya just go straight

Nan-okay thanks

Nav-hmm nandu left
She also left

At files room 
Here nandini was searching files when prem entered

Prem-who's there nandu turned

Nan- sir

Prem-nandini right

Nan-yes sir

Prem- so ur selected for job

Nan- yes sir

Prem- don't call me this sir

Nan- then

Prem- you can call me uncle or dad nandu looked at him, I don't have any daughter if you can then call me nandu's eyes filled with tears
She just hugged him

Nan-aap ko PTA hai I also don't have parents she said broking hug

Prem-then you need be my daughter and off course you need to meet my wife okay , continue he said and left taking files nandu smile this was a best day in her life
She got her file and left this

At evening
Nandu was standing waiting for cab manik saw her he comes towards her and said

Mnk-are you waiting for someone


Mnk- if you don't mind I can drop you off she looked at him

Nan- no sir it's okay I will go

Mnk-i want to say you something yahan jaldi cabs nahin milte


Mnk- Don't shout okay that's why I was saying

Nan- hmm

Mnk-are you gonna come

Nan-yes she said with no option left manik chuckle she looked at him

Mnk-lets go she followed him
They both sat at car manik drove

At car
Mnk-nandini can I get a favour from you

Nan-yes sir

Mnk- Plzz Don't call me sir do I look like a oldie

Nan- no sir

Mnk-then why are you calling me sir


Mnk- you can call me manik I have a nice name

Nan- ma..Nik,manik

Mnk-now it's okay she smiled
Manik dropped her she makes car stop away from singhania mansion


Mnk-bye she leaves while manik was looking at her
He drove car

At Malhotra mansion
At prem and nisha's room

Prem- Nisha I met manik's new p.a today

Nisha-ohh how's the girl

Prem-sweet but for you a daughter

Nisha-means he explained her everything,it's so sad na she doesn't have parents


At manbir's side
Here both were sitting while talking some random things
Cabir asked

Cab- manik please say me about your new p.a

Mnk- what

Cab-how's she how do she talk and all

Mnk-she is nice

Cab-beautiful nahin hai

Mnk- haan I mean....cabir
Cabir runs from there
Manik smiles

Screen freeze at manik

I hope you like it

Few words for prem and nandu's bond

Few words for manik

Few words for nandini

Few words for cabir

Few words for navya
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Bye guys 😊
Take care ☺️

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