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At Malhotra industry
Here cabir Manik and prem were at prem's cabin when cabir asked

Cab-dad are we playing here a game of sitting silent. Both Prem and manik glared him

Prem- no.

Cab-then say something

Mnk-yes dad

Prem- I want cabir you too get married as soon as possible


Cab- but pehle Manik ki Shaadi hone wali thi right

Prem-ya I know but your brother is not ready but atleast you are so Shaadi will happening soon in three weeks. Both manik and cabir shout

Manbir- three weeks

Prem- yess because navya's parents also want this

Cab-ok then. He said happily and left from there where as manik was also leaving when prem said

Prem-Manik sit I want to talk (manik sat again) stay away from soha I am not saying her dad is saying

Mnk-what happened dad

Prem- manik she is damn obsessed with you and she wants to marry you

Mnk- dad I am sick of saying her that I don't love her but she is big head ache

Prem-I understand but do something before it's too late. Manik nodded and left while nandini entered to give him file

Prem-nandini sit here. He said lil bit angrily Making her lil bit scared she sat

Nan-yes dad

Prem-you are married. He asked Making her scared

Nan-dad .. .. what are you saying v

Prem- nandini you can talk to me now I have met your husband Rohit Singhania. He said giving her one more shock

Nan - you met him

Prem-yes I why did you not said before

Nan- dad

Prem-I asked you something

Nan-what do you think how Rohit Singhania is

Prem-he is such a good man a young business man with lots of Strength and courage kindness inside. She chuckled Making him confused

Nan- he is not human being he is pysco he inhuman he doesn't have feelings he is leaving with a heart of stone he rapes me daily he beats me like a animal he treats me like a toy do you still think him as a good person.she said with pain in her eyes

Prem- what are you saying??

Nan-I am saying truth

Prem-then why are you silent

Nan- I am silent because I don't have any one who will support me my own chacha Chachi sold me to him kisse jaake bolun I deserve this cause one time even I loved him I thought he is good but no he is monster i came Malhotra Industry changing my surname because I don't Wana use any of thing which relates him. She cried

Prem- we will support you please don't cry we will do something

Nan-please don't come between this dad he can kill anyone and I don't want to risk you all please

Prem-you think me as your dad then trust me

Nan- yes you are like my dad how can I let my dad in trouble agar aapki jaagah mere papa bhi hote then also I would refuse please try to understand

Prem- but......

Nan-aapko Meri kasam you will not say this to anyone even cabir Manik mom and navya . She said making him silent leaving no option he said ok

Prem-but nandini don't bear this tortures don't and he has made deal with our company for a Contract it will start after two months

Nan- hmm. She left saying this Prem sat sadly thinking how can her family do with her like this

Screen freeze

I hope you like it ❤️

So Prem knows about nandini's marriage

Interesting and closeness of manan will be sawn in upcoming chapters

Bye guys 😊
Take care ☺️

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