chapter:-16(manan kiss)

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Nan- hmm. She said and left

At manik's cabin
Nandini entered there and kept file she didn't saw manik so she was leaving when manik entered

Nan- manik I have kept the file

Mnk- ok.she was leaving when suddenly her leg twist she sat on chair helding her leg

Nan-ouch. Manik leaned hurriedly infornt of her.

Mnk-what Happened. He asked softly

Nan- it's paining

Mnk-wait. He held her leg and twisted the leg she shouted

Nan-manik malhotra what are you doing

Mnk- shut up now get up. She slowly got up and smiled as her pain disappeared she looks at manik who was looking at her raising his eyebrows

Nan-thank you

Mnk- ya ya.she left

Scene shift
At night
Singhania Mansion
Nandini was sitting on bed
While Rohit comes and sat beside her
Nandu saw him she turned her face away

Roh- why are you not looking at me

Nan-i am not interested Rohit. She said and lyed on bed but he didn't react for the first time the Rohit Singhania felt like hurt

Roh-why am I hurt. He whispered

Roh's heart- because you are in love

Roh-I love her from starting. He whispered

Roh's heart- no you didn't you first lusted her and now you are in love.

Roh- really Am I. He questioned himself

Nan- what am I. She asked annoyingly

Roh-nothing you sleep

Nan (thinking)- damn why am I thinking about Manik

Next day
At Malhotra Industry
Nandu's cabin
Nandu was sitting when manik entered she saw him and get up before she could talk he pulled her closer and slammed his lips with hers
Her eyes widened manik bite her lips himself he doesn't know what was he doing he broked kiss Nandu look at him bankly manik realised what just happened

Mnk-nandu... listen.she Left. Damnit manik Malhotra you are such a stupid you kissed her kyun Kiya. He shouted at himself

Mnk-but wait why I kissed her why I was jealous just because Mr verma was calling her beautiful. He fists his hair in frustration

At washroom
Nandini was putting water on her face

Nan-what manik did today he... kissed m..e no agar Rohit ko pata chal gaya toh no. She shouted
Tears were in her eyes

Scene change
At singhania Industry
Rohit was walking on his corridor when his phone beeped he checked there was video sent by unknown number he saw it. It was manan's kiss video his eyes became red he throws his phone

Roh- you did very wrong wifey you broke my trust. He left from there

Scene change
At soha khurrana's side
Soha was outside at Malhotra Mansion she smirked

Soha- nandini nandini aab tumhara kya hoga aab tumhara husband toh tumhein chode dega nhi I know you are married and Also reason why are you hiding it you kissed my manik then you need punishment too. She smirked as she was the only person who sent video to Rohit

Scene change
At nandini's cabin
Nandini entered in cabin she saw manik still there

Mnk-nandini listen Please forgive me I myself don't know why I did it. He plead

Nan- manik you know you did now a mistake

Mnk- I know please please forgive me

Nan-hmm. She just hummed
While manik left disappointed

Scene Shift at night
Singhania mansion
Manik dropped nandu but today they didn't talked nandini entered in room

Roh-welcome wifey. He said with tight lipped smile
She shivered as she knows that this smile means a danger alert for her

Nan- what happened

Roh- how was your kiss wifey. Nandini held her dress tightly

Nan-what... kiss...

Roh-arrey see this. He showed video nandini became more scared

Nan- I am sorry rohit.

Roh-shh..he sat on need a punishment strip wifey. He said making her shocked

Nan- Rohit no I can't.

Roh- strip (he shouted) you will not listen let me call someone. He pick his phone making her scared

Nan- no wait I am doing. She said with tears she kept her bag aside she slowly unzipped her dress her tears became more she ripped off her one Shoulder her hands stopped Rohit smirked and pulled her on bed he comes over her

Roh- tch tch baby is crying (wipping her tears) I don't like when you cry but you make me to do that you actually broked my trust closeness was enough but you kissed him. He shouted last line she closed her eyes

Nan- Leave me!!

Roh-why wifey wanna go to your love hmm.

Nan- chodo

Roh-shh don't shout I always try to be good with you but you make me the monster. He said and slammed his lips with hers and this took out to be one more painful night for her she was shouting screaming but her voice just got heared to servents who were stiffned but can't do anything for her

Next day
Rohit Got up he freshen up and comes out he saw nandini still looking at ceiling blankly her face didn't had any emotions he goes and sit beside her

Roh-nandini get up what's wrong with you get up.  Suddenly she became unconscious

Roh-nandini *patting her cheeks* damnn. He made her wear clothes and called doctor
Doctor Checked her and comes out

Doc- what yaar Rohit you did same again

Roh- shut up ajay say neatly (he is rohit's friend) what happened

Ajay-like you don't know anything she has been molested badly ok why can't you just stop this Rohit first you buyed her like thing from her family and now you're torturing her

Roh-just shut you don't know what happened yesterday

Ajay- what happened. He showed him video. Ohh so what I think she loves him

Roh- you are saying it like it's normal
She is my wife damnit

Ajay- then be like a husband too Rohit not like a beast orelse free her and you remember what's today


Ajay- today is your 4th anniversary

Roh- shitt what I did damnn

Ajay-I am leaving. He left

Scene change
At Malhotra Mansion
Manik's side
Mnk-why am I feeling like nandu is not ok why!!!

Screen freeze

I hope you like it ❤️

If Manik will got to know about Rohit then he will not leave him 😡

Bye guys 😊
Take care ☺️

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