Chapter 1: Men of the night

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I was cleaning the tables of the diner, it was about around 10:00. Checking to make sure everything was put into place before I closed up and made sure the lights were off and the doors were locked.
"Thanks Layla for coving Andy's closing shift, I can't thank you enough." Hannah my coworker said as she put away the menus and stacked the trays. "Oh no problem Hannah!" I said. Andy was gone because his sister got really sick, and it was taking a toll on him. "He must be having a rough time, especially after he lost his mom last month." Hannah said softly. Hannah had a big crush on Andy. "I know, I'm praying for him to get better." I said. It was cutting close to 10:30 and Hannah said her goodbyes and left me as I exited out the diner locking it up. I didn't live far from my job since I was in school and I dreaded the amount of homework I had to do. All my grades where good so I tried to maintain them the best I could. As I was walking down the sidewalk.
I heard shouts coming from the alley. And I know what your thinking. Why the hell am I following sounds in a dark place a night. "This is really stupid of me, but I gotta make sure nobody is hurt." I whispered to myself, getting deeper into the poorly lit alley I saw a group of men standing one man was on the ground begging. With out hesitation I ran up. "What the hell are you doing to him!" I yelled I could tell the man was seriously hurt, the group of men turned to me. "Hey boss we got a problem." A lanky dark haired man who looked like he skipped a shower or two said cracking his knuckles.
"Well pretty lady what are you doing in these beautiful parts." Another one said.
"Obviously not whatever your doing to this man you slimey geeser." I mentally slapped myself for how my mouth has no filter.
"Oh Ho Ho, you got some balls you skinny bitch-"
Paying no attention to him I help the man up.
"Come on this way." I said pulling him out the alley and into a more populated area.
"Thank you miss! You saved my life!" He said coughing. He had a couple knots on his head and his lip was busted. His eye was swollen and black but I noticed he had bruises on his hands, probably from self defense.
"No problem sir, do you know those people maybe we should file a polic- " he cut me off
"No no no we can't get the police involved!" He said
"Look here is some money for helping me but you can't tell anyone what happened in the alley." He said sternly
"But your hurt." I spoke in a matter of fact tone
He stumbled but kept his balance. "I know, but I just cannot go to the police, it's just not an option. I need to get far away from this place-" he said as he began wave down for a cab.
"Ma'am I'd advise you to go home. " he warned
"Because the man you saved me from is a man that is feared within this city." That was the last thing he said before he got into the car and drove off into the night.
I hurried to my apartment and noticed it was around 12 am. "What is it really this late!" I gasped, feeling tired and drained I got ready for a shower and prepare to sleep after I was done.

- Valentino's POV——
I was sitting at my office desk when one of my right hand men came in. "Val we got a problem!" Zario said in a tone that was serious. "What happened Zar!" I spoke. "The men you sent out to shake Antonio Graci didn't get the job done." He said my blue yes snapped to him. "Say what! " Zario nodded and I rubbed my eyes. "how did this happen." I yelled. "That man has hurt my family and embezzled money from me." I slammed my hands on my desk. "And how did he manage to get away?" I asked. "They said a young woman came by and and confronted them and she somehow snuck him away to safety. I shook my head. "Find that girl she is going to pay." I spoke. "And who was the boss for that group." I asked. Zario took a deep breath and said the name who was responsible for the men I sent out. "It was Lorenzo." I shook my head. "Send him in here."
Sitting at my desk I heard a knock. "Come in." I said my eyes staring at the brown haired man. "Valentino you wanted to see me sir." I nodded. "Yes, I heard your mission to put an end to Graci failed." Lorenzo nodded, I could tell he was upset with the situation. "I want you to find the girl who saved him and put a hit on her, but bring her to me. " I said. Lorenzo nodded as he headed out to find the girl who ruined everything.

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