Night Cat - Chapter 16

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First Werecats, Now Wicca? What Next?

I burst out laughing.

Don’t ask me why, but I did. Werecats? Wicca spells? What kind of crap was Keegan going to feed me next? Evil leprechauns with pet unicorns?

My laughter was immediately silenced when Keegan grabbed a hold of my throat and flung me into the cliff wall. My arms reached out desperately for something to grab on to before I hit the rocky wall, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Keegan shift.

In a matter of seconds, the green eyed bobcat was standing on top of me, pinning me to the hard ground by his two humungous front paws.

“Get off me Keegan!” I gasped, finding it extremely hard to breathe – perfectly acceptable considering the fact that my lungs were being crushed by a psycho-maniac wild cat.

The bobcat cocked his head to the side and regarded me with an amused look on his squished-in face. Flashing what looked like a cat-version of a smile Keegan bent low, bringing his razor sharp teeth close to my neck and snapping.

I was well aware that his mouth wasn’t even close to my flesh, but that didn’t stop me from freezing in shock when Keegan snapped. He made a sound that sounded like some kind of demented chuckle, and moved away from my neck. Realizing that I’d been holding my breath, I exhaled slowly, trying not to look frightened.

I tried to sit up, but when I did, the throbbing in my head hit me with such a force that I thought my head was going to explode. The world tittered precariously and the spinning made me want to throw up. With the greatest difficulty, I focused on Keegan, who was charging at me with wicked speed.

A loud roar brought everything to a halt while simultaneously sending chills up my spine. I could recognize that sound anywhere in the world, even despite the fact that I’d never heard it before.


Keegan and I both averted our gaze to the top of the cliff, where illuminated by the light of the full moon, stood the panther. And man did he look pissed.

Xander’s usually smoky gray eyes had turned a frightening charcoal and his teeth were bared. A little voice inside my head told me that this was not the same self-controlled Xander I was used to seeing, and some part of me remembered something he’d told me a couple of months back.

The cat side of us werecats became more dominant during the full moon.

Sure, our human selves could still think consciously, but the cat side, the animalistic side of us had more control over our actions. I gulped. This was not going to end well.

Keegan let out a low, angry hiss and took a few steps back from the cliff wall. Once again, a loud angry roar erupted from the panther, this time more frightening that before. I was very aware of the fact that my arms were covered in goosebumps.

The panther leapt off the cliff with grace even a ballerina would envy, and landed in front of me, hissing.

Keegan, who’d been trying to stand by me so that Xander wouldn’t try anything funny, stopped short, hissing angrily in attempts to hide his fear. It didn’t work. I wasn’t sure if it was the fact that his eyes were betraying him, or the fact that his tail was in-between his legs, but Xander wasn’t buying it. His stance was immovable, ready to strike. It was pretty clear that there was going to be a cat-fight tonight...

And I was caught in the cross-fire.

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