Night Cat - Chapter 1 (Edited)

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AN: As I may have mentioned before, Night Cat is getting a little bit of a makeover. If you've read this before and/or are a fan of the series, I suggest you read the story again as I reupload each new chapter or once I'm done with the entire thing. I'll be adding a few more chapters with information I'd neglected to include earlier. 

You could also fan me on Facebook for updates on my stories and whatnot - if you like, that is.

Also: A special thanks to SpiritedShifter for making the image you see in the sidebar. Thanks Iz!!! >>>


1. The New Kid

I was so screwed.

I stared at the gaping hole in silky red shirt I had borrowed from Brie. It was probably the fifth piece of clothing she’d leant me that I’d ruined while trying to sneak back into my house after missing my curfew.

Oh, the sacrifices I had to make to avoid being grounded.

I tossed the ripped shirt onto my bed with a sigh. I’d have buy Brie a new shirt to replace the one I’d ruined – and maybe I’d be able to mend this one with a strip of lace, or a few sequins and use it for myself. It was no big deal; I’d done it with a ton of other clothes that I’d borrowed from Brie before.

Like the cute pair of designer jeans that I’d ripped while climbing up the trellis; or the tank top that I’d spilled paint all over. And the skirt I’d torn…


With all the clothes of hers that rendered un-wearable, it was a miracle that Brie hadn’t conked me on the head with a cinder block or something. No really, considering her tendency to want to throttle people for just walking too slow, I was genuinely surprised at the fact that she was still friends with me.

Maybe it was because I was just too precious for her to even consider letting me go.


Sighing, I grabbed my messenger bag off my dressing table chair and ran out of my room. As I ran down the stairs, I glanced at the clock that hung on the wall in the living room and picked up my pace. I was already late for school.


The morning was uneventful.

It wasn’t unusual. Crescent Falls was a small town; hardly anything interesting happened there. The only thing even remotely noteworthy about my morning was the fact that I’d overheard some girls gossiping about a new kid while I was on my way to the cafeteria.

Shaking my head at the gossiping girls, I walked past them and into the cafeteria. I looked around the room, skimming past the unremarkable faces that seemed to merge and separate as I took in the room. I’d been going to this school for almost three years now, but I could still only recognize a handful of people. Some of them knew me – most of them, actually – but since I was only comfortable around a handful of people, anyone from outside my group didn’t really stick in my mind.

Call me a snob, but that’s just how I was. Comfortable around the people I knew well.

I was about to give up my search when I noticed a girl in the corner toss a familiar blond mane over her shoulders as she walked over to the tray counter. Smiling, I jogged up to her and grabbed a tray of my own.


“You’re late.” She observed, not turning around. I couldn’t tell whether she was referring to the fact that I was late to school this morning, or the fact that I was late to lunch. Maybe both.

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