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Full Description:

William Dagon, a combat medic in a world torn by war finds himself on his last mission. Accepting a mission on a day off, he leaves to save the lives of a division that had been pinned down by enemy forces. Effectively saving the lives of nine soldiers, he is then left mortally wounded on the fields of combat. On the verge of death, a voice whispers to him.

'Save us...'

At first, he thought he was imaging things, but again the voice came to him, the voice of a girl who sounded desperate for help. And then darkness surrounded him and his new life in a strange, dangerous and magical world starts with a whisper.

Awakening in the mysterious world of The Isles, a world that lives under two moons where crystals grow from the dirt as large as houses, he finds himself remembering only distant memories of the past life he had lived like they had happened ages ago. He remembered the sacrifice he made during times of war, and the oath he took to help others. Not remembering his family, or his first name, he remembers the nametag he always wore: Dagon.

In the reflection of a nearby stream, Dagon noticed that emerald green scales lined his feet and arms. His body had changed physically and nothing was as he remembered it, but before he had time to even think about his new body, he was attacked at his weakest moment. Deciding to run away from the thing that had attacked him, he runs into slave girl Eleanora, a bruised and badly injured girl that destroys the monster chasing after him before quickly passing out from exhaustion. Deciding to help the girl in the best way he remembered, Dagon treats her to the best of his abilities.

This is the story of a war hero being resurrected in another world and how he changes the world for the better with his first friend Eleanora.

This is a book created for my Amazon Original series by the same, this is the unedited version so expect some errors. Published on Wattpad for constructive criticism. This first book will be free on Amazon.

@2021 Gabriel J. Newby. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission from the publisher. The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of the armed forces, or any service represented in this story. All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, as well as other published works, is purely coincidental.

{1. Action and Action-Adventure. 2. Fantasy. 3. Romance. 4. Mystery. 5. Isekai.} 

This book may contain sensitive topics not suitable for the weak of heart and will contain scenes intended for mature, adult audiences. Please read at your own risk.

For those who always believed,

Thank you.

The Isles

Book one: The Awakening


There was a moment where he felt slack-jawed, his mind growing numb from the crystalline skies of pure blue that hung overhead as far as he could see, descending into a brilliant, saturated orange as the sun rose beyond the mountains with snow-tipped peaks to his left.

However, it wasn't the beautiful sunrise that made him feel perplexed as he peered above the canopy of the strange trees before him, but it certainly was the two moons that now faintly hung in the sky that made him too flabbergasted to speak. He moved forward without looking down. He was on a cliff, a forest of green stretched before him, flowing in strange ways with glowing spines on their leaves, making the forest before him look almost... magical as a strange energy fell from the bright blue moon downwards onto the trees like a mist, that slowly began to fade as the light hit it.

Not only did the forest seem to be thriving and pulsing with the strange energy, but there was also something that caught his eyes in the distance that gleamed in the energy that fell off the moons above. Jutting just above the canopy of the trees, were large crystals that glowed in myriads of colors that shifted and swirled as the light hit them. The crystals themselves were by no means thin either, as tall as they were, they held a base that was just as sturdy, easily being the size of a miniature house, some even larger. And some much smaller.

And none of it was anything he had ever seen before. If the last few hours of his life had failed to teach him that he was no longer on the planet he remembered and called his home, he knew now that there was no denying it. There were two moons above his head, each a different beautiful color—red and stunning pale blue. And if that wasn't enough, the trees glowed, and crystals grew from the ground as large as houses and taller than trees.

Not only that, but he wasn't even human anymore. While he held a human figure, the scales on his arms and feet that formed gauntlets and leggings were brilliantly colored bright green, coming to primitive, clawed tips that looked just as sharp, if not sharper, than a blade.

And before he shook everything off as being a sweet and twisted dream, he could hear the forest rustle around him, almost like he was gifted with the ability of super-hearing. Leaves rustling against each other as the wind blew, the subtle flapping of four-winged birds behind him mixing. And he could smell it all. The smell of freshly fallen rain and honeysuckles. It was a smell that he could only explain as being therapeutic. Calming. Peaceful.

He inhaled deeply, smelling the honeysuckle sweetness that filled the air and gave him a sense of familiarity. He brought one of his claws up to his face and carefully wiped away a tear that fell from one of his eyes. He was not sad, in fact, it was the opposite. He was happy. For the first time in such a long time, his heart felt full. And beyond all that, there was a feeling that tugged at him in an unnatural way. A feeling of familiarity once again. Like he had been here once before. All the sounds. The smells. A feeling that told him all would be alright. A feeling that told him he was home.

"Welcome to The Isles, Dagon." 

The Isles - Book One: AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now