Part 2 : A Traveler

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Sometimes our heart wonders in a way that the mind cannot reach,
The soul somehow lost in its own journey and someday,


We will land in God's hands and hopefully one day
He will save us. 

Again and again, a short poem or proverbs come to her mind, sometimes she manages to take a piece of paper and write it down; at time she just let it go and usually forgets it in a few minutes. God is gracious. No wonder, the most amazing artist is the one who has a broken heart and a confused mind.

She just manages to boil some water and make herself a cup of coffee she bought in New World Christchurch, she takes a glimpse at the mountain in front of her and sips her warm mild coffee with milk and a dash of sugar. Her favorite decathlon table is next to her and she smiles; as she think about the fact that she might have lost that table yesterday at custom.

She had a rough night last night, so maybe she does not plan to leave until today.  There several campers, caravans and cars just left the White Horse Hill Campground. She count and just a few cars maybe 5 or 6 and only 2 motorhomes left. To her right, there's Roger's old white campervan which she just met last night. 

He seems nice, maybe in his late 50s, with a beard and messy hair. His style represent a tough hikers that just come back from Mount Everest. Sunburn tan skin, white grey hair, a headband, a green shorts, Thai Chang singlet and sometime with a grey sweater. A free spirit and a happy life, she presumes. She wanted to make dinner last night and made herself comfortable, so she does not have much to say to him. After introducing himself to his new neighbor, off he goes settling in his old rusty van just few steps from her car.

Summer is so bright and beautiful here, the color, the view and the cold short air from snowy mountain nearby can easily soothe any broken heart. When the avalanche crashes, the echo can be hear clearly from the campsite. Every now and then she glances at the rabbits munching on the grass, not sure if they will steal her food or not. Even though, they just come and go, she must be careful as rabbit is one of the biggest pest in New Zealand.

Since she decided to stay another night, she took out her tarp and began to cover part of the entrance area of her rental car. She added two poles to secure the middle section and the other end she simply tied with rope and hooked it to the ground. Not quite perfect but it will do for another night. It's not going to rain anyway, it's summer. She convinced herself of that. 

She had a glimpse of others campervan, where there is a small rack at the back of the van that has been setup as a small kitchen. The seat is only for the driver and front passenger, and the rest of the van has been levelled with the plank to cover the storage space underneath. While for her, she just choose Hyundai car, the cheapest option.

"Make yourself comfortable young lady." Rogers calls out slightly, thou they are only 50 feet apart, he has to shout as a loud white RV pulled into the area.  

She laughs "Yes, indeed." her hand eagerly opens a sleeping mat. "Why waste a beautiful view and I am in no hurry either" She put the mat on the floor, took her favorite table and folding chairs, and decided to set up her own living area.  

"Such nice warm weather, I slept like a baby last night." She laughs again as Rogers excitedly explains things with his hand gesture. "How long have you been here?"

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