Chapter Five

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4:30 am.

Amelia's POV

I'm already up and washed up and now I'm eating breakfast with the boys.

"So, on tour, do I get to meet Eleanor, Danielle, Lou, Lux, Paul, er...Kevin....and everyone else?" I ask.

"Well I don't know about Kevin because he's been busy," Louis jokes. "But yes, the others you get to meet."

"Yay!" I say, throwing my hands in the air.

After we all eat the tour bus arrives and we all bring our bags out and get on. And it's huge. It has six beds, a big screen tv with Xbox 360, fridge, microwave, washroom and...wait...ONLY FIVE BEDS??

"Uh guys, where am I going to sleep?" I ask.

"What you don't like me now?" Harry asks with a fake frown.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Look at my bed." he says pointing to the bottom right one, which seemed to go deeper than usual, along with all the others.

"Oh, they're bigger. Okay never mind." I say while placing my suitcase in one of the closet/change rooms.

I come back to the living area of the bus and I sit down with the others. "So where are we going first?" I ask.

"Well, we tour around Europe first, then we get on a plane and fly over to Canada, then to U.S.A, then the last show in Florida, then we come back home." Liam explains.

"We're....going....on....a....plane...?" I ask, and I swear I went pale because Harry looks at me and bolts up and gets a trash can just in case.

"Whoa! Amelia you look as if you just saw a ghost..." Niall says with concern.

"I...I...." I try to say something but Harry finishes for me.

"She has a fear of planes." he says, sitting beside me and putting his arm around me, trying to comfort me.

"Oh well don't worry, it's a small private one else but us and the crew will be on it." Zayn says, trying to make me feel better. But it's not helping. The size isn't why I'm afraid of planes, it's because...

~ Flashback ~ 14 years earlier ~

"Mummy, can we go to the candy factory?" I ask her, tugging her grey pencil skirt as we wait to cross at the traffic stop.

"We'll see Amelia, mummy still has to bring daddy his lunch. Do you remember where daddy works?" she asks, grabbing my hand as we walk across to the other side.

"At the....World Training Centre?" I ask, unsure if I got it right.

"Almost, daddy works at the World Trade Centre." she says, as we start to see it a few streets away from us.

Then all of a sudden, a plane crashed into one of them. Everyone starts screaming, while mummy and I start to walk faster, hoping daddy is okay.

Then another plane crashes into the other one, and that one is where daddy is.

"Oh dear, daddy is on the 48th floor, I hope that's not where it hit!" mummy says.

I look up at her as we walk slower, her eyes are watery. That means she's going to cry.

Then we approach the point where police and safety officers made a border with "CAUTION" tape.

Then just before my eyes, the first tower falls and dust, ash, glass, and other things fly everywhere.

Then when everything clears up me and mummy notice the second tower is in flames. And people are jumping out. A few people came out to safety, but we don't see daddy.

I start getting scared, and just when I thought it couldn't get worse, the tower started collapsing. It seemed to be a slow motion movie because with every second that passed, the tower fell more and more, until it was completely demolished.

"DADDY!!!" I scream through tears and I want to go run to all the pieces and find him, but both mummy and an officer held me back.

Mummy picked me up and started to carry me away.

"Daddy!!!" I cry. Mummy is rubbing my back as she carries me away. People look at us and they have sympathetic looks on their faces, knowing that a 4-5 year old girl has lost her beloved father to stupid planes.

A few days later, many, but not all bodies were recovered, including daddy's. His face was on tv. It was black, scratched and everything. Mummy turned off the tv and kneeled down in front of me.

"Sweetie, daddy is gone, he's in a happier place now. But he's still with you, in here." she says through a few tears, as she points to my heart.

"I want daddy back!" I start to cry.

She pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.

"I know sweetie, I know..."

~ Present Time ~

I found myself sitting there bawling and the boys, except Harry, don't know why.

"Amelia, is everything okay?" Louis asks.

"Yeah,'s just...I'm not scared of planes because of their size...." I say, trying to calm down.

"Oh well why is that you're scared then?"

"My dad...was killed in 9/11..." I say, tears just streaming down my face. Harry just pulls me into his lap and holds me close.

The boys were silent. Mostly because of sorrow and sympathy.

"Amelia, we're so sorry to hear that." Liam says, his expression just low and unhappy. Along with everyone else.

We decided to get off that topic. I suddenly grew very tired, probably since I woke up early and I've been bawling. So I off Harry's lap and go to the beds. Remembering which one was mine and Harry's, I just crawl in and I instantly fall asleep.

Harry's POV.

Mel goes to bed, leaving me and the others.

"So, did you know about this Harry?" Louis asks.

"Yes, I did."

"But I thought she lived in England her whole life." Niall states, with a confused look.

"Well she lived here until she was three, then they moved to Manhattan because her dad was already working there so they rarely saw him when they were here. Then after 9/11, they moved back here. Now her mom travels around all the time and pays for the house." I explain.

The boys nod and I decide to go to bed as well after I yawn. I cuddle in with Mel, who's already into a deep slumber. So cute when she's asleep. After I crawled next to her I instantly fell asleep.

A/N: hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter, I'm just really tired today.

:( plus I had an art exam!!!

Anyways, 2 votes and 1 comment for next chapter?

~ Amanda xx

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