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This is the direct sequel to Build a Boyfriend, however, you should read the Kazuha x Xiao fic before reading this. If you don't want to read all of My Yaksha, at least read chapter 6. 

FYI: this fic will have more nsfw scenes and is labeled "mature"

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"I believe it would be best if we stop seeing each other." 

"W-what?" Childe dropped his spoon full of cereal back into the bowl. His jaw hung open in disbelief. 

"Please do not misunderstand," Zhongli brought his hand to his forehead for a moment and held it there. "It is not that I do not find you favorable; however, you clearly need some time to yourself. You haven't had a good night's sleep in a month. There are dark bags under your eyes and you've grown very thin. I think you need a break from my face." 

"That's not..." Childe flinched, making eye contact with Zhongli. His bangs covered his eyes again as he looked down at his cereal. "I'm sorry." 

"I should be apologizing to you," Zhongli let out a long sigh. "I have not managed to do as I had so confidently declared." 

"It's not your fault." 

"Perhaps," Zhongli began, "you should attempt therapy." 

"I've never been very good at talking about my feelings," Childe laughed awkwardly. 

"That...is one of the reasons to go to therapy...?" 

"I don't know..." 

"It is ultimately a decision that you must make for yourself," Zhongli stood up. "When you feel that my face is not something to bring you to the verge of tears, you have my numb-" Childe grabbed Zhongli's hand. He stared up at him through a split in his bangs. 

"Please don't leave me too." 

"I am not disappearing," Zhongli placed his other hand on top of Childe's. He smiled in an attempt to reassure him. "I am simply giving you space." 

"I don't want space. If you think this is bad, it'll be worse without anyone here. I can't handle being alone I-" Childe's voice cracked and he slammed his head down against the table. His cereal fell over, spilling milk all over Childe's head. Childe wrapped his arms around himself, trying not to cry, but failing miserably. 

"And that would be why you need to go to therapy," Zhongli muttered, kneeling down next to Childe. He placed his hand on his shoulder. Childe looked at him but then immediately looked away. "You do see how this is extremely traumatizing for you, right?" 

"If I can't look at your face, can't you just get another face?" Childe said. "I want you around and your voice is very nice to listen to." 

"You want me to get plastic surgery for you?" Zhongli frowned slightly. 

"What?! No! Just...wear a mask? Or something? I guess I could wear the mask..." 


Childe fell off of the chair and flung himself onto Zhongli. The two tumbled to the ground. Childe's face directly in Zhongli's chest. "Please..." he wrapped his arms around Zhongli and hugged him tightly, making it difficult for him to breathe. 

"Would you mind...getting off of me?" Zhongli winced, his torso screaming out in pain from being held so tightly. 

"You haven't answered me yet." 

"We can try the mask thing but please stop holding me hostage..." Zhongli's voice cracked slightly. "You've rarely ever touched me this is very-" 

"What?" Childe released Zhongli and sat up. As he moved, he ended up shifting so that his ass was directly on top of Zhongli's crotch. Ignorant of this, Childe continued to sit there. "You're going to stay right?" Childe asked, still avoiding staring at Zhongli's face. He stared directly at the center of his chest. 

"Tartaglia, why are you not self-aware?" Zhongli sighed and began to sit up but Childe placed his hand on his chest to keep him down. 

"Answer me." 

"I had no intentions of leaving you to start with." 

"Don't give me space either." 

"Alright, fine, we will try the mask thing but although I am generally a very patient man, Tartaglia, I swear to whatever may exist in the Heavens if you don't get off of me-" 

"You'll what?" Childe smirked. 

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" 

"Doing what?" Childe shifted his weight a bit, rubbing his ass against Zhongli's crotch again. 

Zhongli grabbed Childe's shoulders and with a swift motion, he flipped the two around, pushing Childe into the kitchen's flooring as he hovered above him. Childe closed his eyes, not able to look directly at Zhongli. Zhongli moved his leg in between Childe's and rested his knee right beneath his crotch. 

"Eh?" Childe's eyes snapped open but he could only glance back and forth between the bottom of the kitchen cabinet and Zhongli's face. "Why are you doing this all of the sudden?" 

"Doing what?" Zhongli mimicked Childe's tone earlier. 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Childe pressed his hands up against Zhongli's chest to push him away but then was shocked at how it felt. He realized in that moment that even though the two had spent a lot of time together, Zhongli was right, he barely touched him. They didn't even hold hands often let alone do anything sexual. Childe had no idea what Zhongli looked like under his clothes, except what he remembered of android-Zhongli. 

"How long do you intend to grope my chest?" 

"It feels different," he muttered. 


Childe stared intently at Zhongli's clothes. Even though it wasn't as intricately designed as the custom clothes android-Zhongli had arrived in, he still wore a lot of black and gold. He wore a vest and dress shirt at all times, even around the apartment. Childe grabbed his tie and removed it, unbuttoning a couple of buttons and opening his shirt up to stare. It wasn't enough so he undid the buttons on the vest and the rest of his shirt, opening it up wide to look at his torso. 

"Tartaglia, what-" 

"What the fuck?" Childe gasped. 

"Excuse me?" 

"How do those stay hidden under your clothes? You're so muscular..." Childe placed his hand directly on the center of Zhongli's chest. His skin was so smooth. 

"I take it my android counterpart was not a direct replication?" 

"He was decently toned but..." Childe could practically put his finger in the crevice of Zhongli's abs and have it get slightly stuck between the muscles. "Zhongli?" 


"Do the world a favor and please wear crop tops." 




"I'm really tired-" Childe closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep on the ground. Zhongli picked him up and carried him to his bed. He tucked him in under the covers and moved to leave the room but Childe grabbed the cuff of his sleeve when he rolled onto his side. Zhongli grabbed his hand and removed it, taking off his shirt and vest to hang them up somewhere they wouldn't get wrinkled. He crawled under the covers with Childe and in a matter of seconds was clung to as if he were a body pillow. 

"This was a lapse in judgment," Zhongli spoke to himself. "I should get out before-" Childe snored lightly and moved his leg further over Zhongli's. Zhongli glanced at his sleeping face before closing his own eyes and sighing. "He hasn't slept well recently, I wouldn't want to disturb him," he decided. 

Build Another Boyfriend [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 4]Where stories live. Discover now