chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I was sleeping when P'Arthit returned from work. I usually slept on the couch these days and after P'Arthit left for work I would clean up the house. When I am bored I would go out to hang out with my friends. I know I can't continue like this, but you can think of this as a vacation from all my responsibilities. Right now P'Arthit was the only one who was busy, and when my friends are having classes I am usually at home missing him and counting the minutes till he would return.

But not today. When I returned to the apartment, the bed that was usually left with their sheets crumpled in many places was made and there was coffee as usual. P'Arthit couldn't cook otherwise I was sure that he would have made breakfast. The whole apartment just screamed remorse. P'Arthit must be kicking himself over what happened last night. I wished he wouldn't be so hard on himself, after all, I am the one to blame for this.

Taking this opportunity, I decided to go to sleep as I had spent the whole night in a café and didn't get a wink of sleep. I dropped on the bed only to take in a deep whiff of P'Arthit's smell. Unintentionally I took in a deep breath and pulled in more of his scent. This scent was all over the apartment and deeply on these sheets that if ever P'Arthit stopped living here his smell would linger for weeks.

I took another pull of it and fisted the sheets. P'Arthit's lips had been so soft. His hair in my fingers had felt like silk. I didn't have to try too hard to remember how his touch felt, the taste of his mouth, and how deep he had kissed me. A groan tore out from my lips.

Sitting up on the bed, I let out a frustrated sigh. My body was usually not so responsive, especially when it wasn't my soulmate. I have lived lives where I wasn't able to feel sexual attraction for most of it, almost living like a monk, but for some reason, my control shatters so easily when I am with P'Arthit. I didn't think it would be this easy for P'Arthit to get this deeply under my skin and out of my control. Last night scared the crap out of me and it cannot happen again.

I slept off on the couch. There was no way I would be able to sleep on that bed without getting turned on and since the object of my desire was both out of the vicinity and not an option, it was better not to torture myself.

I heard him enter the house carefully, tiptoeing around me. Either he just didn't want to wake me or he didn't want to deal with the aftermath of what happened. I wish I could do the same, but it was no use.

"P'Arthit," I called. In the dim room, I could make him out next to the couch. He stopped and turned his head my way.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, it's fine. I slept the day away anyway."

"Then I will turn on the light." After he said that, the room flooded with light. I shut my eyes briefly from their harsh glare. When I opened them, he was sitting on the opposite couch looking at me attentively.

"Where did you sleep?"

"I didn't," I replied.

"Oh, I thought as much. "He thought about something before adding, "next time—not that there would be a next time, but just, you know don't run off like that. Instead, I will go."

"That's the thing," I smiled, "I don't want you to go."

His expression turned confused for a moment, and then he seemed to shake it off and smiled. "If you don't want there to be a next time you should probably stop saying lines like that."

I nodded." Sorry, you are right. I know that I am sending you a lot of missed signals."

He laughed." So you know."

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