The Costume

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Ranboo Pov

It was 4 days till Halloween. I was in pure panic.

Michael didn't have a costume and all the good ones were gone. "Wanna be.... A ghast?" He would grunt in response. "Then what do you want to be?" He shrugged. It was hopeless.

Then I came up with a idea. "What if you, me, and Tubbo all go to the store?" He liked that idea. I called Tubbo and asked if he wanted to go shopping for a costume for Michael with me. He agreed.

(✨Time skip✨)
When we got to the Spirit Store (Because that's the number one Halloween place you go to where I live) Tubbo told me that he was going to go look for his own costume.

I walked over to the kids costume area. I looked through the costumes, asking Michael if he wanted some of them. All I got were nos. Finally I picked out a guard so he could be a Zombie Piglan guard like in the past about 100 years ago.

I started to walk towards where Tubbo was. I looked behind me to make sure Michael was behind me, a rush of Absolute Panic came among me. I ran towards Tubbo.

"TUBBO! TUBBO HELP!" "Wow settle down there boss man, what happened" Tubbo replied. "I LOST MICHAEL. I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE WENT. LAST TIME I SAW HIM WAS WHEN I HANDED HIM HIS COSTUME." I almost yelled. "Shit. Ok, Ranboo breath, we'll fine him just breathe. Come on follow me." Tubbo said running off.

We searched the whole store. Nothing. We went up to the front of the store and told the lady how we had lost Michael. "Could Michael Beloved come up to the front your father is looking for you." The lady said.  At first nothing then I turned to look across the store. When I turned around I saw a lion crossbreed leading him out of the store. His mouth was covered and tears were streaming down his face.

"HEY THAT'S MY KID!"  The lion crossbreed started running. Tubbo and I chased after him while the lady called the police. "STOP THAT'S MY KID." He attempted to push Michael into a car but failed. As he continued to try and get Michael into the car, we finally caught up. I grabbed Michael out of his hands and pulled him off to the side while Tubbo delt with the lion, not letting him leave. I uncovered Michaels mouth and pulled him into a hug. When the police came they asked what happened and arrested the lion. I told Tubbo to take Michael to the car so that I could buy Michaels costume. I entered the store and went to buy the costume, but the lady insisted she'd give it to me for free. With that we went home.

Thank you all for almost 60 reads! Y'all are awesome! Also ✨ Trauma ✨

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