《Two left》

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Smile Bean POV:

Apparently, Franklin loved bubbles, no joke. Funny, honestly. Bubbles were wet like so wet! I don't like them. "Where else shall we go, Boss?" Franklin asked, he was walking behind me. "We'll go find, Rose and B'day, then Player and Angel and we win!" I checked the clock, I had 1 more hour left, we've been playing for 1 hour, after 1 more hour hiders win and I grant them everyone back...

"We got, TheGentleman, Mr Cheese, Mr Egg, Veteran, Baggy and Greaser, oh and Mother." I said to Franklin.

"Ok!" He answered, excitedly, but then he sighed at Mother's name. He must miss her...welp, onwards! "So, Rose and B'day would hide together or in the same room. So next room!" We strolled into a room, "Check the left and I'll check the right." I demanded, though nicely,  "I will do so!" He said going to the left and searching,  I checked the right. "Hm," I looked at the painting, 'No holes.' I thought before checking the closet, "No?"

Usually people hid in the closet.

We went to the middle and shook our heads, "Next room." I said as we walked in there. Still nobody. Moving to the next room! "Admin," He muttered, "We passed, like, every room but this room and electrical." He said. We looked around Admin, opening the vent because I thought I saw a blue figure I opened it, "Ahah!" I shouted making B'day jump. I knocked him out, "Good try." I said to his body before taking him to everyone else.

"The games almost over, everyone." I said to the people in the room. "It is?" They asked, I nodded before leaving. "Now, Rose is somewhere." I muttered as I checked some other places, I checked under the Admin table, there she was. "Bye bye!" I said as I brought her to B'day.

"Player and Angel are left." 'Then we win!' I thought, forgetting I would have to get Franklin.

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