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Franklin's POV:

Me and Smile Bean have a portal to my mom's ship and to Smile Bean's home. I can visit Mother anytime I wanted, by going through the portal and into Medbay! Smile Bean loves me! "Smile Bean?" I asked him, "Yes?" I had a nightmare were he'd kill me, "I had a n-nightmare..." I stuttered, he hugged me, "Oh, what was it?" He asked me, I told him about my dream.

"I would never kill you." He said reassuring me, I smiled.

I fell asleep, ' "Mom, Timmy took my toy!" I said to my mom,' I was dreaming of times with Timmy and Mother. ' "Mom, when can you date?" I aske dher when I was 12, "15, dear." She said back to me.' I got up slowly, "I can date..." I muttered, looking at Smile Bean sleeping, he was curled up in a ball. I patted him and snuck out of bed.

I called mom. "Mom," I asked her, whispering. "Yes, dear?" She said, she was quiet still, which was good.

"I'm coming." I said hanging up and leaving. "Mom!" I hugged her when I saw her waiting, "I'm planning a date!" I said. "For who?" Mother asked me, blushing I looked down and muttered the words, "Smile Bean and me..." It was quiet, "Again?" Mother asked,

"I said: FOR SMILE BEAN AND ME!!" I yelled louder than ever.

She stared at me but said, "Inside voices, dear. Now, Smile Bean and you?" She continued,

"Ok, dear, I'll help with the rest of the crew. BUT Bro and Ninja."

Bro came in, "SAY WHAT NOW?!" He yelled, "OUT!" Mon yelled at him, "Ok, 'MOM'" Bro said aggressively before leaving.

"Ok, anyhow, CAPTAIN! THEGENTLEMAN! MR CHEESE! MR EGG! EVERYONE BUT NINJA AND BRO!!!" Mother yelled so loud I think my ears were bleeding.

Everyone burst in, "Yes?!" They asked at the same time.

"We are setting up a DATE! YA HEAR ME?" She asked, her tone wasn't very friendly, she was being a bit-- motherly...

We set it up for us, just me, Smile Bean and uhhh...


The entire ship...

Smile Bean walked in and looked at the room wide-eyed before sitting down at my table, "What's going on?" He whispered to me, "Date. A date." I whispered back, "For who?" I sat down, blushed, "Us!" He blushed hard, "Us? I-I didn't agree!" He stuttered before we ate.

*Time skip because I'm tired*

We kissed at the end, "Heh..." He muttered at the end of the kiss.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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