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Player's POV:

I was scared, Smile Bean said we had: 45 minutes remaining. 'What if I move?' I asked myself. I was in electrical, Angel was too. Though, her yellow suit was bright. 'Worst day ever...' I said to myself, cuddling in my spot which was the vents.


I scooted farther down the vents and hid in the middle of it. "I-I'm scared, Angel..." I said to her, she was beside me, "Me too." She said, calmly though. Part of me says she's not and she's just trying to be helpful.

I can tell you it's NOT helpful. Especially because a scary 18 year old is coming! I heard voices and footsteps. "We have half an hour to find Angel and Player." A voice said (Smile Bean , probably) "Ok, Boss!" A familiar voice said...

Wait...is that, Franklin?!

"Franklin..." Angel whispered to me, very quietly. I watched my watch: 9:35, at 10:00 all of this will be over, it's been 5 more minutes. We waited.

We heard somebody coming down, Angel pushed me farther, "Go! Hide!" She yelled to me quietly.

I crawled.

I didn't look behind me.

I just crawled away.

I moved to Medbay, "Ok...where else do I hide?" I asked myself. The scanner wasn't good, under the beds was the best place. What if they go to where the cams are then don't find me? I shook that away.

I heard screaming, then nothing.

I heard them come in from the vents, "He's in here somewhere." Franklin said, "Maybe," Smile Bean replied. Then, BEEP BEEP! "Dang it!" I checked the time: 10:00! "I win!!" I jumped out of my hiding place. "Indeed you did." Smiel Bean replied. Everyone was back, all in Medbay again! "Guys!" Smile Bean and Franklin walked away and stepped into a red thing that Smile Bean had came out from.

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