Y/n vs. Pyrrha

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(Training Hall)

Y/n and Pyrrha were currently in the arena, having decided that they would need more space. It was empty, but they both knew that people would hear and wander in to watch at some point.

"I'm all for a fight but don't you think we could settle this with words?" Y/n asked as he took Pyrrha's silence as a no. He sighed; he had an idea why they were fighting and why she was staring daggers into him.

Knowing that there was no other choice, he gripped his weapon as his eyes changed to dark blue.

They exchanged no words as they dashed at each other, with Y/n reaching his opponent first as Pyrrha blocked his sword with her shield.

She went to strike him, but he bounced off her shield, sending him back as he skidded to a stop before rushing forward once more with his eyes changing to cerulean blue, and his sword became encased in water as he slashed forward.

She went to strike him, but he bounced off her shield, sending him back as he skidded to a stop before rushing forward once more with his eyes changing to cerulean blue, and his sword became encased in water as he slashed forward

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Pyrrha had struggled to stop the water dragon from going through her shield as she lifted upward, sending Y/n upward as well. Pyrrha fired four shots that Y/n deflected as he came back down and clashed his blade against hers.

The sound of metal hitting each other is what attracted a student walking by as they peeked their head in the arena and gasped, seeing the Champion of Mistral going against the Demon Eyes of the academy.

"Hey guys! The Champion and Demon Eyes are fighting in the arena!" He yelled as a few students had heard and walked over as their eyes widened at the truth as they walked in and took a seat. Others pulled out their scroll and recorded while some called others, telling them of the great fight taking place.

The two continued fighting as they ignored the spectators. Y/n's eyes changed to deep brown as he dragged his hand through the ground creating a fist of rock while simultaneously changing the rock hand to black as he punched Pyrrha's shield.

"What is he punching with!? That felt harder than steel!I" Pyrrha thought as she could feel her shield denting from the impact as she slid halfway across the arena. People cheered for Y/n while others for Pyrrha, as it was solving the raging question of who would win between them.

Pyrrha threw her shield away as she ran towards Y/n, who ran towards her as well and held his sword in a reverse grip and swung for Pyrrha's side as she jumped over it, landing on his shoulders.

She quickly pinned his head between her thighs, an action that caused many of the men to scream and glare at Y/n in jealously, and flipped him over as he landed on his back but rolled to his side when his opponent tried skewering him.

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