chapter. sixty. nine.

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authors note: sixty nine. a little longer for ya😉

regulda started on prongsy's neck, feeling his burning skin between his wandering teeth and tongue.

prongsy let out a shallow moan while he prepped his donut hole.

reggie liked his. he wanted this.

he didn't want to let go. he liked the feeling of prongsybitch's smooth flesh against his grinding teeth and warm lips.

he also liked the feeling of prongsy touching him, there was a special way he massaged the cucumber that left reginald in awe.

"what are we?" asked prongsy suddenly.

he dropped reggie's badonkadonk abruptly.

reggie stifled a smile. "you and I, w-we're"

he traced prongyboob's chest with his phalanges.

"you're MINE. at least that's how I see it." finished reggie.

"I suppose we see it the same." whispered prongsy.

they resumed. they finished.

then they were finished.

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