Six - The Party

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Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, pouting that our invitation was lost in the mail to the biggest birthday party of the year.  Its time to celebrate another year of one Charles Bass.  While we may not make it into Victrola this year, we hope our loyal kittens will help us out with the inside scoop.  We know everyone will be there, including one Ellie Westfield.  Wonder if Nate is ok after finding out from us that archnemesis Carter Baizen had visited the home a couple of weeks ago.  We wouldn't mind if Carter visited us....

Ellie twisted herself in the mirror. She frowned looking at herself.

"I don't know what you are worried about Ellie, you look amazing," Lina said.

"Its so pink, I guess," Ellie replied.  She was used to darker colors to accentuate her blond hair and eyes.  But Nate asked for pink, so she and Lina picked out a gorgeous pink spaghetti strap dress that had an empire waist and stopped mid-thigh. She paired with her black Mary Jane Louboutin, making her legs look longer.

"Nate is going to love it, Ellie." Lina went up to her friend.  "Why are you so nervous?"

"Chuck's parties always go a little too far.  Nate wouldn't let anything happen to me but still, I get nervous." Ellie swallowed.  "Do you know if your brother is going?"

"He's not planning on it. He wasn't invited," Lina sighed. "You know he has history with Chuck and Nate."

"I do know that, just not what about.  Nate won't tell me."  Ellie spun around.   "Do you know?"

"I do, but it's Carter's story to tell."  Lina was looking at her phone so Ellie spun back to the mirror.

"I wonder what it is.  Carter has been nothing but nice to me."

Lina could hear the longing in Ellie's voice.  She quietly called her brother and waited for him to answer before putting the phone down.  "You know Ellie, Carter is a great guy."

"I know Lina.  I like him.  I mean I barely know him but he's got a side to him I wouldn't mind getting to know."  Ellie flushed.  "But I'm with Nate so that'll never happen."

"Is something wrong with Nate?"

"He's just so distant with school and family business.  I just wish there was more sometimes.  God, now I sound like a whiny girlfriend." Ellie stopped and straighten her shoulders. "I just want to be loved.  And I think Nate forgets that sometimes.  So maybe I'll show him at the party."

"Or you could be distance and show him that you won't wait forever.  Too bad Carter isn't there to get him jealous."

"I won't do that to Carter.  He's my friend and deserves more than that."  Ellie sighed.  "I'll just dance with you and Will and screw Nate.  If he wants me, he'll come and get me."

Carter listened and licked his lips.  Ellie was starting to doubt her relationship.  That worked for him.  He hung up and got dressed for the party.  He wasn't planning on crashing but now he had a very good reason.  He headed out into the night.

Unfortunately, Nate also heard Ellie's last sentence, missing her comment about Carter but understanding her frustrations. So maybe he had been a little too busy.  And maybe he was pissed about Carter being at Ellie's building.  But when Ellie explained the dinner meeting and how Jack Bass was also there, he decided to let it go.  But the fact that Ellie wanted to make him jealous woke him up.  He finally knocked on her door.  "Sweetheart?  Are you ready?"

"Yes baby, just a sec," she called out. She opened the door.

"Wow, sweetheart you look beautiful."  Nate leaned in and gave her a long kiss.  Ellie was surprised; it had been a while since Nate kissed her like that.

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