ThorBruce Week 2021, Day 1: Only One Bed

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A/N: This takes place post Infinity War, but Bruce isn’t Smart Hulk. 

I will try to update every day this week. I'm so excited for this event! 😄

Word Count: 3, 261

    Bruce stepped out of the private plane and looked at the tiny airport. It wasn’t an airport, really. More like a field with a hangar in the middle of it.


    “Here are your bags, Doctor Banner,” the pilot said, interrupting his thoughts.

   “Oh, thank you,” Bruce murmured, taking his two suitcases. 

   “Mr. Stark should have arranged for a car to pick you up at the road in front of the airport,” he continued.


    “Alright, thanks. Have a safe flight back.” Bruce picked up his two bags and started his walk toward the vehicle in the distance. The flight over was a bit depressing. Bruce and the pilot both had headphones to talk through, but they didn’t really use them. They had to stop and refuel once, to which the two exchanged a few words, but aside from that was radio silence. The snap was still very fresh: it had only been three months. Bruce didn’t dare ask the pilot if he’d lost a family, and the pilot didn’t ask him. They both already knew the answer: everyone had.  

   He finally made it to the red pickup truck. A friendly face greeted him from inside. “Hello, Doctor Banner! We’re so excited for you to stay with us!”

   Bruce smiled. “Hello, Korg.” 

   “You can put your stuff in the back,” he pointed to the truck bed. Bruce set his two suitcases in the back, then walked around and joined the rocky alien in the front seat. “So how have you been holding up?” Korg asked as he turned the truck on and put it into drive. Bruce wondered if Korg was actually able to get a license, or if anybody cared at that point. 

   “I’m doing the best I can,” Bruce replied. “It’s definitely hard having half our team gone, though. How about you?”

   Korg shrugged. “Miek survived, so that helped. Thor and Val are still alive. I haven’t seen my mum in years, so I have no idea what happened to her.” He glanced at Bruce, then looked back at the windy roads. “We’re definitely grateful for you deciding to pay a visit. Thor needs it. He’s been blaming himself for Loki’s death. He’ll probably act like everything is normal for your sake, but don’t be fooled. He’s started drinking more and he’s taken care of himself less.”

    Bruce nodded. “Good to know. How long until I see him?” 

    “Oh, probably another thirty minutes. There’s not many airfields around here.” 

    “How has earth life been treating you?” Bruce asked. 

     Korg shrugged. “A few people have given me weird looks when I’ve gone outside of town, but I don’t think anybody really cares anymore. Weirder stuff has happened, you know?” He chuckled awkwardly. The two continued to catch up as Krog drove to New Asgard. 


    “He’s going to be so excited!” Korg whispered as he grabbed Bruce’s bags out of the truck bed. 

    “ didn’t tell him?” Bruce asked. 

    “Brunhilde and I decided it would be nice to surprise him. If he can’t let you stay with him, she has some space at her house.” 

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