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CW: arguing! Wren has a dream that takes place in her childhood, and her parents are arguing. They're stressed about money, and it doesn't get violent whatsoever. There will be indications when the dream starts, and also when it ends. be safe, and don't read those parts if you'll get stressed :).


Mary noted the change in mood when Zee asked about where he worked. Though she'd have to admit, she was curious as well, she didn't want to scare the poor fellow off. So, she changed the subject.

"No stop, I worked a 14 hour shift today, let's not talk about work. Let's instead talk about how good this weed is. Holy shit, am I relaxed."

Corpse looked over at Mary with a grateful expression and they nodded their head a bit at him. The comment on the weed got Zee started on a long story about how she bought the bag in the first place, and how their landlord almost found it when he had come by the house for a bit.

As the conversation continued, Corpse started to relax again. Wren was grateful for Mary's intuitive nature, and as Corpse started relaxing she let herself breathe. She was sure that at some point the topic would come up again, but she hoped it'd be a while until then. She wants Corpse to get to know them a little better before he has to share any details about himself.

At around 1 am Corpse and Wren said their goodbyes and went back to the apartment. Wren drove, since she was more comfortable driving high than Corpse was. Mother Mother played in the background the whole way home, Wren singing along to every word and Corpse humming to the background music since he didn't know the words very well.

When they got home, they were both extremely tired, so they decided just to go to bed. They said goodnight, and Wren immediately went in her room. Corpse filled up the cat's food bowl and water bowl before retreating to his own room, falling asleep in minutes.

Wren's Dream———

She listened as they argued.

"She's your fucking daughter, when are you gonna grow up and help me take care of her? Start acting like her dad again. She misses you."

"When am I gonna "grow up?" I'm the only person in this house that actually acts like a fucking adult. I know you're upset because I've been busy recently, but I can't fucking help that. YOU quit your job, Caroline. I'm our only source of income right now. Be fucking mindful of that."

"I only quit because you said you can handle being our only source of income. But if your version of "handling" it is hardly seeing your daughter and working 6 days a week, then obviously we had two very different things in mind."

"You're twisting my words-"

She shut her door. They'd been arguing quite a lot recently. Usually about money, but Momma's friend Anaya told her sometimes people argue when they're stressed, and money can be a stressful thing.

Being six, she obviously didn't understand why. Why were they so stressed about money? Surely they had enough of it, right? It's just paper.

She thought back to her and Anaya's conversations from the night before.

"Anaya why don't they get along like they used to?"

"Well hun, sometimes friends argue like that. It's a normal thing really, lots of friends argue. I'm sure they'll apologize to each other later."

Oh. Right. Friends. Momma and Dad weren't together anymore. She keeps forgetting about that. But if they weren't together then-

"Why do we all still live together? If they aren't together, why do we all live together still Anaya?"

Voices - Corpse Husband x OCWhere stories live. Discover now