• Beginning •

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Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

Running. I was running through the desolated road, the stomps of my footsteps and shaky breath, the only source of sound to be heard.

I had somehow left them behind. But I knew they must be trailing behind. May be at a distance but they must be.

My hair bounced in air as I ran. My clothes all stained― with mud, sweat and blood. But I didn't care. It wasn't important. Not right now.

My gut ached. I was injured. And yet I was running. A knife cut on my abdomen, a bullet through my leg along with some punches, big deal? Yet I was running. I was desperate. Desperate to save her. I had to save her. I was bound to.

"Just some more and we'll be here." I cooed in her ear, kissing her forehead.

I looked forward to the dark abyss of the road. It had been a long time since I was running and yet the road didn't seem to come to an end. It was a typical deserted path, wild trees and bushes on either sides with no sign of life.

"I'll keep you safe, I will." I whispered, skipping as fast as my feet could take me.

I patted her head, grunting with every footstep I took. The pain in my abdomen was worsening. But I couldn't stop. I knew we would get caught if I did.

I glanced up at the dark sky, the moon shining through the clouds along with those tiny stars. I wish he would be here with me now. But he wasn't. A single tear ran down my cheek.

"Wish you were here, Noah." I sniffled.

Limping. I was limping now. With every single movement I made, the pain increased. My pace was gradually slowing down and down. And was it becoming harder to breath.

"Long breaths. Take long breaths." A voice was heard from besides me.

"Noah?!" I spoke in surprise, glancing at the familiar face.

"No, don't stop, honey. Keep going. You've to run." He spoke as I gathered my emotions together.

I glanced at him, hobbling forward. He was dressed in same way like few days ago. White tshirt and grey trousers. His brown hair messily covering his forehead.

"Honey. Don't stop." He spoke, his blue eyes glancing at me with worry.

"How on the earth--?" I didn't find the right words.

"That's not important right now. You've to keep going baby." He stated. I gave a nod. I took a step forward before stumbling.

"I c--can't." I huffed.

"You've to." He urged.

"I--I can't." I breathed out, barely able to stand on my own feet.

"Oh my god, no. You've to baby. You can't give up." He said as I sighed, almost tripping.

"For her. Do it for her." He spoke, pointing at the bundle in my arms.

I let out a shaky breathe. I had to do this. I wobbled forward. A groan escaped my lips. The pain in my gut was worsening with each passing second.

"Yes, like that love. You're such a strong woman." He cheered.

Loud screeching of tyres reached my ears. I glanced up. My blurry vision could only figure a vehicle approaching from the front. Maybe I wasn't so unlucky. Maybe I had a chance to escape.

"Noah" I looked around but there was no sign of him.

Maybe he decided to leave me again. Leave us both again.

"Maybe I should risk it all." I spoke to myself.

"Don't worry baby. Mama is gonna keep you safe." I whispered.

And like that, without thinking twice I dragged myself to the middle of the road. The vehicle moved towards us at full speed. I closed my eyes, holding the bundle close to my chest, shielding it.

"What the hell, woman!" A voice was heard as I opened my eyes, slowly.

I blinked my eyes, the flash of the car's headlights blinding my vision. The car had stopped. We weren't hit.

"H-help.... " I wobbled closer towards the figure of the person who got out of the car.

"What the fuck? You gotta see this, boss." The person spoke.

"He-help.,... Pl--please." I spoke, my voice breaking and my head spinning as I stumbled on my feet.

"Oh shit. Are you okay?"

Another person spoke, holding me by my shoulders as I almost collapsed on the ground.

"H--help." Left my mouth, my eyes starting to shut as I was slowly getting sucked into the black void.

"Boss. Should we leave her here? Let's imagine we didn't see anything."

"No. We're not leaving her, Xiao."

"What? Are you serious?"

"I am. She's injured....."

"Since when do we care about such things?"

"...... And, there's a child in her arms."



Welcome to my new story!! I'm such an irregular person like I have 3 published and unfinished books and I'm starting a new one. Do I have shame? Of course not. Btw this story had been on my mind since long time. Hope you like it.

What is your first impression about it? Do let me know.

Love love,

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