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"Figured you'd be here."

Hiromi looked down at the grave. "It's my turn to watch over it."

Kai stood behind her. "It's been seven days but you're still crying," he stated in an indifferent tone. "When will you ever learn to stop?"

That made her snap, enough to explode as she whipped around to face him in anger that she nearly couldn't contain. Their close friend had died, died without even saying goodbye, and he was acting like some stray dog just got run over by a car? "And when will you learn how to shed tears? At least I know how but you don't! You don't have to add salt to my wounds, Kai! I know I haven't stopped crying but I don't care! I'll cry for as long as I want. But do it! Go on! Tell me I'm so weak! Shout it to my face! That's what you want to hear yourself say, isn't it? If it makes you feel better, hurt me then! Just release what you feel inside!"

Wine eyes turned mineral-cold.

"Hurt me, Kai! Now!"

The ice besieging his orbs nearly froze her. "It's not what I want."

Hiromi stopped before looking away. "I'm sorry."


Hiromi watched him pick up Takao's cap, unable to believe his nerve like he didn't care. It wasn't expected of Kai to give comfort, much less openly offer it, but Hiromi wasn't counting on him to be so cold and unfeeling either. "You're not affected, are you."

"You said he made a promise to you. To us." Kai stared at the cap in his hands. "He abandoned Dragoon and all of us. Am I supposed to cry over a thoughtless idiot like him?"

She was left stunned by his words devoid of warmth. Why couldn't he just give himself his release? She moved back, just enough distance away from the grave to give her friend his space and time alone with it, but Kai didn't move even closer to it. How long was he going to be like… this?

Talk to him, Kai! Say something, anything! Just don't be like this!

But when her thoughts wouldn't reach him, her heart sank down deeper. "Merry Christmas, Kai," she softly tried, hoping to trigger some form of emotional response from him.

But he said nothing.

Nothing was going to work. Hiromi looked away, one of her seven-day memories leaping into her mind. Going past Max and Grandpa's emotional cries, past Rei's red-eyed, tear-streaked face. She saw herself falling to the floor of the dojo right after hearing the tragic news. When she woke up, everyone was leaning on each other, pounding the walls in grief, mourning.

Everyone but Kai, who seemed hardened by shock. No tears on his hard face, just like the way he was now.

Hillary watched with red eyes how Hero tried his best to comfort the elderly Granger despite his own pain. How even stoic Russians also stood there keeping a hurtful face. Tala was the only one to shed tears for Tyson. He knew how much he awed Tyson. The very same kid who fight for their honour. She vaguely remember How Daichi for the first time confessed Tyson was very much like a brother of him.

But only there stood Kai. Nothing....... absolutely nothing.

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