I Am Home

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Pain envelops my heart,
Steals away my breath,
I look at your triumphant face.

"What? No scathing reply? It's because it's true isn't it?"

Hillary buried her face in Kai's hair, tremors of her friend's body dissolving her promise to herself. They had to be strong, strong for their deceased friend. But how could she carry on when even the calm, composed, the mighty Hiwatari Kai was finally collapsing in her arms? Though she had encouraged him to release the swelling heavy emotions inside him, it was too much to take.

Minutes later, he broke away, and she quickly turned her head away from him, afraid that she would bring herself over the brink of collapse should she get a glimpse of his devastated face. Instead, she got to the wrecked gravestone through tear-brimmed eyes. Tired arms enfolded themselves around it in a long final embrace.

Warm internal glow. She felt it soothe her somehow. For she was embracing not only Takao's memory but the Christmas star resting within her. A voice. Christmas star… It is not a wishing star but a star of hope… Should she listen to it? What if it would only… Did she dare listen to it?

She did. And she closed her eyes and rested her forehead on the stone to whisper her last goodbyes…

Kai's hand fell on her shoulder, and she saw him carefully placing the cap back on the pole, a last act of paying respect. He stood, still silent, and waited for her to join him.

"Merry Christmas." In dead silence, she began to walk away. With a final glance behind her, she fell into step beside Kai. The walk continued, heavy feet kissing the snow in a trail of penetrated sadness.

What goes from this point on? The question was a reverberation throughout her body, soul barely existing in the midst of emptiness inside. Wherever she would go, Takao would surely be there. As clear as his laughter ringing in her ears. As clear as the memories of him crying out battle commands near the river. As sure as what he would say if he were alive…

"I'm home!"

Half-lidded eyes widened, then a hesitant turn of the head, heartbeat racing. She was just hallucinating, right? I'm conjuring an impossible desire… She must be already driven to the edge upon imagining a vision of a guy in the middle of the bridge, familiar ponytail chopped off, a winter cap over deep blue hair. Her hand unconsciously grabbed Kai's arm.

But Kai appeared to be struck too. "Hillary. Look."

Far away, there where the bridge was built stood a young man in a winter cap never been worn before. When he started crossing the bridge, he looked at two figures watching him. A youthful girl who would look at the him with so familiarity, as he remembered the missing hair below his neck.

Finally. His fingers tightened a little around a turtledove.

Finally I'm home.

Hiromi followed the trail of his gaze; blood nearly ceased moving to her brain that she felt close to fainting. Kai steadied her by her arms, and she regained focus. A shadow. There was a shadow cast by the young man's frame, and she could hardly breathe at the impossible sight.

"Well? It's Christmas, isn't it?"
He knew something was terribly wrong, Kai shaking he doesn't know for what, Tyson gulp wishing it not to be anger.
'I grit my teeth,
Clench my fists in rage,
I look up at you,

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