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"No problem princess" I felt him brush his hands against mine and hold onto them.

We both were staring at eachother again till a long time but it was oddly not awkward, not at all! And just like that we dozed off with his warm hands holding onto mine.


I slowly woke up by the sound of birds chirping, followed by someone opening the curtains.

"5 minutes...." I whined but Jisoo started shaking me.

"Girl  wake up!! We have college today!!" She glanced at her watch.

"Its already 8:00, you don't wanna get late on your first day right?" She shaked even more aggressively.

"Ya fine" I sat up lazily and rubbed my eyes.

"I and Taehyung will be waiting down for you, Jungkook is taking a shower, c'mon now get ready quick" She tapped my shoulder and left the room.

 I was staring at the luggage we kept near the door yesterday night, for literally no reason until Jungkook came out of the restroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and rest against the wall.

" W-WHAT??" My eyes widened.

"Good way to start the day right" He smirked.

"Shut up! Get dressed!" I covered my holy eyes which were probably unholy now.

I heard him chuckle and after a while, I opened my eyes and he was dressed and now was drying his wet hair.

"Can you do something that dosen't look hot?" I said in a low tone but he heard it.

"You think I'm hot?" He had a blushing and happy expression. 

I just ran into the restroom with my dress and towel, hiding my face in embarrassment. After my shower, I hesitated to come out and I peeked out a little.

"Don't be awkward now" He chuckled and was standing near the door while looking down at his phone.

"W-who said I'm awkward" I boldly came out and wore my wrist watch.

"Its 8:30 now, come quick" He left and I ran behind him quickly with my school bag hanging on one of my shoulder.


We took Jungkook's car to the college.

"Actually, how do you have a car and license when your not from here?" I randomly asked.

"Lady, I was searching for you from like so long. Just think how boring that was so in the meanwhile I bought a car and the license from my world works perfect here" He proudly said.

"Really, then would our license work in your world?" Jisoo wondered.

"Probably" Jungkook said and parked the car.

We got off and I took a while to look around my first view of the campus.

We got off and I took a while to look around my first view of the campus

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