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"Ya, of course I am coming. It's our graduation party after all!!" I squealed in excitement to be finally going to a party in years. I quickly got dressed and went ran downstairs. 

"Where to my little girl?" I froze and turned to the voice. She nightmare...

"Well... Today we have Our Graduation party so I-".

"GET BACK TO YOUR ROOM!!" she cut me off.

"BUT WHY? Its my Graduation Party, I haven't gone to any Party till now! All I have done is STUDYING!!!" I got mad now.


I ran back upstairs, banged my door close and tears immediately started flowing down. I was so fed up right now. My aunt and uncle raised me since 10 because my parents have died under a mysterious accident. But I am not grateful at all. I had rather stay homeless than getting treated like this. Oh, and I also have one bratty cousin named Han Ye Jun. 

"That's it!" I said to myself, opening my closet and packing up my clothes.

 Since I turned 18 on my recent birthday, which was a horrible memory since I was beaten up by my aunt and uncle because I had to inherit my parent's money. They wanted all the money and tried to force me but I succeeded getting it all.

 So, basically, I wasn't short of money AT ALL. I was done with my packing and so I hid my bag. Later I stayed in my room till midnight. They didn't even care to look on me and so I didn't have dinner either. I called my best friend by the time. She was the only one person who was my friend I met at school. I didn't even dare have more friends since all they did was force me to study or beat me up.

 "Ugh- those old hags! I fully support you with your plan Ae Ra!". Jisoo cheered me up as I explained her everything.

"Thank you Jisoo... I am taking the last bus, I staying at a hotel far away from here, temporarily."

"Hmm, good idea, I will come too! Don't worry!"

"Thank you..." I said softly as she always makes me feel better. 

She was one of my reason to be alive in this world right now. My other reason was to find the cause of my parents' death. Now that I am finally escaping, I can go pursue my dreams of becoming a police agent and investigate about my parents. 


It was exactly 10pm now. Everyone was asleep. I tip-toed downstairs trying not to make any sound.

*click* I unlocked, opened the door and then closed it...

That's when I felt my first step to success

I was walking down the street, wearing all black clothes and boots, my bag hanging on one of my shoulder. I got onto the last bus of the day and sat down comfortably, sticking in one of my air pods and enjoying some music.

*The bus reaches its destination*

I got off the bus. After so many years, I felt so free. I really had a good feeling for this one.

"AH! You kids, mind your own business!!" A man in his late 20's shouted with two other men of his same age running towards me.

They were getting chased by two other younger men. I was so confused by what's going on. Those old men stopped in front of me and one of them was carrying a bag before handing it over to me. The other two men who were following these weirdos also came by and stopped.

"Boss, we are sorry but these men started chasing us till here" one of the old weirdo said while I had a perplexed expression.

"Excuse me, I don't even know yo --" Suddenly someone pushed and rolled down with me.

Destined L♥ve (J.Jk) ☑Where stories live. Discover now