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All I could do was stare. Let my eyes speak for me. Let my eyes show how I was feeling. Let my eyes project my mind, body, and soul.

If anything, I was just shocked. Your stalker normally wasn't supposed to come knocking at your door in the middle of the night. Your stalker was supposed to stalk. Not look you dead in the face and say one word that you yourself thought had disappeared from existence.


Everything stopped.

             My heart ventured out of my ribcage and left an ugly feeling in its place. That word. That name. It brought back so many memories, more than any scrapbook can handle. So familiar, yet so far away. A shudder traveled up nerves that led to the part of my brain that controlled memory and it was like it... rattled.

             For so long, my past was a blurry haze with drilled holes and missing puzzle pieces. I was forced to forget who I was and most of what happened to me down in that bunker. There were mostly flashbacks and parts from full events that I had no access too. Like I was just seeing a trailer to the whole movie.

So when he said that name, so many things flushed in my mind. As if that name were the key to all the imprisoned memories that held me back. They came in as graceful as an eagle soaring the sky but as numerous as a school of fish. I remembered it all. So much in a matter of seconds that it became overwhelming. Voices, faces, names.

A little boy, a friend , coaxing me to play. "Kiseki, come play with Oliver and me!"

             The man continued to observe my reaction, searching for any sort of remembrance he hoped that name could've given me. And then he said it again. And again. And again. Each time it pulsated me into some hideous form of distress. A part of me didn't think he was real, a figment of my imagination. I must've been dreaming, I had to of been. Only a handful of people knew my real name and almost all of them were dead.

Pink, full lips. Curling and snarling in irritation. Matching her hazel almond eyes that sunk deep into a heart faced shape. High cheekbones and a striking jawline that that lead to a pointed chin. "Let go of me, Baron. This is the only solution available. I have to go, they'll find us here. The family bunker is already accessible. Take Kiseki and Lucas and go. I'll distract them."

My mind was playing a game of hoola-hoops. Turning and spinning, trying to make sense of what I had just processed. After I escaped, some of my past came into me as dreams but somethings were too deeply forgotten to ever be salvaged. But, here I was, taking in everything I tried so hard to recollect. Just because of one word.

            My name.

Father, begging Mom not to depart. "Laura! Don't risk your life for that science experiment you call a daughter. We knew they'd find us sooner or later. Let's take our real son and go. Leave her! She's what they want after all."

My name.

The one thing that identified who I was. Not some made up word to back up my facade.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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