"You should buy a lottery ticket because Oliver Queen just paid your bill"

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Shaking profusely, I poured him a glass of his favorite bourbon

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Shaking profusely, I poured him a glass of his favorite bourbon. Even, steady breaths reeking with the scent of starvation. If I was a good girl, maybe just maybe I'd be bestowed with something close to a meal. Something I wanted more than anything according to my growling stomach and wobbly legs.

"What did I tell you about tears," he said cupping my chin with rough fingers.

I didn't even realize I was crying. But as soon as he glared into my soul with those two livid lenses, the tears just stopped; disappeared. Though he always wore glasses to conceal his identity, I could feel the anger burning through his lenses and melting me down. He hated tears and things didn't turn out so well for me when I angered him.

"T-tears are for the w-weak. Only the weak cry."

My words came out as a long string of trembled sounds. I remember the feeling of my stomach churning away at itself. I was as thin as a leaf and so was my courage.

"And what did I say I'd do to you if I saw you cry?"

I sniffled. "T-that you would b-beat me until the only liquid coming from my eyes would be blood."

One movement from him and I flinched; leaving the bourbon to burst into a million pieces. I stumbled back from the impact; glaring down at his bourbon in horror. My legs had a few cuts but I only noticed them when I looked down.

I was too afraid to look up at his gaze under that white fedora.

A dim candle was flickering in the background, it was the only source of warmth and light. The candle was a reward for not shedding a tear when he had beat me last time. It was the only thing I had to hold on to for the past few days ever since I got here. I'd been living in a cold, dark square unit with nothing but stern, rock walls.

             His shadow looked like a big evil demon as he approached me with slow, intimidating steps. His eyebrow twitched in rage and I saw hands curl into fists.

"I've had enough of you! Dumb bitch."

I began to whimper and beg; my body was still recovering from the last time he'd beat me. No more pain could be taken.

My heart skipped beats; intensifying the undeniable fear.

I screamed with the little voice I had left.

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