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As y/n reached to the hospital she went to the reception where the receptionist asked her about whom she is searching but y/n was so worried that she wasn't able to speak anything and kept crying thinking of her love, at that moment one of namjoon's staff member came as he saw y/n and took her where namjoon was being treated. As y/n saw namjoon in ICU from the glass door her heart broke seeing her husband in that condition and so many pipes and wires attached to his body and lying unconscious.
Y/n asked the staff members who were present there about the accident. Then one of the person said that shocked y/n from deep within. That person told that someone shot the bullet towards namjoon's car. Namjoon got saved from the bullet shot but he's car met a very deadly accident because of that. Just then Dr came from namjoon's room. Y/n asked Dr about his condition in her cracked, sobbing voice. Dr told that there is many internal injuries and he's in critical condition next 24 hor's are very crucial for him. Dr also added that if he didn't respond to the treatment in this 24 hour's anything can happen, Dr said he don't want to giver anyone false hope. That statement from Dr almost killed y/n ,her soul is crying in fear of losing her love forever.

It was just 24 hour's but for y/n it seems like each second is like a year by each passing second her willpower was giving up her dad came to her and told her to keep strength if she will only become weak then who will take care of namjoon.
20 hour's passed y/n asked the Dr about namjoon's condition, Dr said their is no improvement in his condition. After sometime nurse came running out from namjoon's room y/n got worried and asked her but she didn't stop and went to call the doctor.
Y/n's heart was beating fastest, doctors went inside namjoon's room, there was so much of rush by nurses and doctors, y/n tried to ask them but no one was answering her. After one hour dr came outside the room but there was something weird about doctors and nurses their head was hung low which gave y/n shiver down her spine. Mr park came near her. Y/n asked doctors about namjoon but they were silent. Y/n shouted and again asked them, doctor finally broke the silence and net what he said killed y/n.

Doctor said that they couldn't save namjoon 😔 hearing this news y/n just broke down and started crying like a mad person. Her dad Mr park was also in shock but he tried to be strong for his daughter. Y/n grabbed doctor by his coat and asked him how wasn't he able to save her husband. Mr park consolled y/n and tried to tell her that everything happened was not doctors mistake they tried their best to save him. Doctors said sorry to y/n and Mr park for their loss and went. Y/n was uncontrolable for anyone as she kept crying and shouting namjoon's name and questioned her dad that what does she have done that her love, her husband who was her everything felt her alone in the journey of life when he promised her to be with her till the end of her life. Y/n kept crying, seeing her condition getting worst Mr park got worried and told the doctors to give her injection.

Y/n was unconscious for two hours due to the injection given by the doctor. Mr park took her to their house and then did the last rights of his loved son in law by his heavy heart. Mr park also called Taehyung and JHope and told them everything that happened with y/n and requested them if they can come to her because Mr park knows that how close they are to y/n. Only they are console her and take care of her. They both agreed to Mr park because they also love y/n and cares for her alot. Taehung was in Korea that why he came in one hour after the call but jhope was in America so he'll be here after 2-3 day's. (Y/n was always in contact with both of them in this last three year's through calls and social media).
As y/n got up first she asked about namjoon. Mr park slowly told her that he has already preformed his last rights because hospital said his body was badly injured so it was not good to keep it like this and you were unconscious.
Y/n couldn't believe her ears that she didn't even told the last chance to see her love. She again started crying and even tried to harm herself but taehyung came in between and hugged her tight. Y/n first tried to free herself but taehyung didn't leave her. At last y/n broke and hugged him tight and ried her heart out because she also need someone this hug, someone on whom she can trust and rely.
Two-three days pasted jhope also came to Korea from America and consolled y/n. Some time passed it have been two months since namjoon passed away. (Namjoon's whole business and property was named to y/n as she was his wife.) This two months were like hell for y/n was every second of time made her remember of namjoon. The moment they spend together, the love that they both shared. Taehyung and JHope tried their best to cheer her up and not to let her go in depression. Today something happened that no one imagined cps came to y/n's house. As namjoon's accident was not a normal accident some shot the bullet so it was a police case. Cops came to inform Mrs namjoon that, someone tried to kill namjoon. Y/n was shocked by this information and told the copes that why would someone kill her husband he was a sincere
businessman who had never been bad to anyone. Then copes told something that shocked y/n from deep within.

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