chapter 2

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when jisung got home, he quickly said hi to his mother before running upstairs to his room.

he flipped through the pieces of paper he had accumulated in his backpack in the past week, and finally took out the homework he had yet to complete from friday.

he had planned to do the homework, but with working all weekend, it completely slipped his mind.

it just so happens it was for his least favorite class, science. it's not that he wasn't interested in it, but it was always the one thing he got stuck on.

him and felix were seniors this year, which didn't really help the workload. the only thing keeping him motivated was the fact that winter break was in a few weeks.

he finally finished about an hour later, and quickly took a warm shower before getting in bed. it was honestly quite rare for him to go to bed this early, so he took advantage of it and tried to go straight to sleep.


he woke up the next day feeling unusually energized, but that's probably because he wasn't used to getting a good night sleep.

he's normally always up late doing homework so most people think he's really smart. in reality, he just puts off everything until the last minute, but still cares about his grades.

it was 7:20 in the morning, meaning he had about 40 minutes before he had to leave for school. school started at 8:30, but with the walk he normally got there around 8:15. his mom always offers to drive him to school, but he refuses every single time she asks.

once he got dressed and ready for the day, he ran down the stairs into the kitchen. "hey mom!"

"good morning jisung, you seem to be in a good mood." his mother responded as she turned around to look at him. "you look so cute today!" she said in a baby voice as she squished his cheeks.

"mom, i'm 17. you don't have to pinch my cheek anymore."

"that's not gonna stop me! you know when you were a baby, i could do whatever i wanted to you and you didn't mind!"

"yeah well not anymore! it's weird"

"oh, be quiet. you'll always be my little boy."

him and his mom had always been close. he told her everything that happened in his life, and she always listened. jisung always tried his best to help support his family. they meant the world to him and he felt like he should step up since his dad passed away when he was 6. it was a lot of pressure, but he didn't mind. as long as it helped his family, jisung would do anything.

"alright i gotta head out, ryujin are you walking with me?" jisung also had a sister, ryujin. she was about 4 years younger than him.

"no, i don't need to be there early today." the young girl responded from the living room. although she was only 13, she was very responsible.

"ok, just be safe. love you!"

"i love you too, have a good day jisung!" he heard his mom shout from inside as he shut the door and headed to school.


once jisung got to school, he went straight to his first class to have some time on his phone. as much as he loved his friends, well, felix, he needed some time to himself in the morning. he was always one of the first ones in the classroom and sat in the farthest back corner. it was his assigned seat, but he wasn't complaining, it just meant the attention was never on him.

his first lesson was health, which was almost as boring as it could get, but it was easy so he didn't mind. somehow, the boy always had good grades. he never really studies and always puts off work for as long as possible, but he feels terrible if he doesn't turn it in on time.

after about 10 minutes of sitting there, the class started to fill up with students, and lastly the teacher. "alright guys, today you're completing chapter 9 vocabulary, just finish it by the end of class today." the teacher said, followed by the groans of everyone in the room.

and with that the day went normally, he went to the rest of his classes, got some work done, and didn't talk to anyone except felix at lunch and in his last class. at least they had a class together. he had "friends" in some other classes, but in all honesty he didn't like talking to them.

as they were packing up to leave, felix walked over to jisungs desk. "i did not understand anything from that lesson." the blonde boy complained a little bit.

"honestly i was about to fall asleep." jisung agreed as he zipped his backpack and put it on. the teacher dismissed class, and everyone went out the door to go home.

felix drove to school since he had his license, and just like jisungs mom, he always offered to drive him, but his answer was always no.

they walked through the hallways talking about random stuff for a few minutes before felix walked away to his car and jisung turned to go home for about an hour before they would meet at the cafe again.

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