chapter 8

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"ugghhhhhhhh" minho groaned as he rolled around in his bed, just trying to feel better. it was currently 4 in the morning and the boy was struggling. he couldn't fall back asleep because his stomach hurt terribly. he tried his best to lay on his side and hug a pillow, but it wasn't much help. it was also freezing in his room for some reason. he was already hungry since he didn't eat much last night, but just the thought of any food made him want to puke on the spot. "yeah, i don't think i'm going to school today."

minho lazily grabbed his phone to tell his friends, although he clearly wasn't in the right state of mind to do so.

2 friends and a dwarf

i'm sickkk
i'm sO ssick (sick sick)
come take care of meeee
i need helf
i'm tired
byeeeeee dumbasses

oh hell no

after almost 30 more minutes of tossing and turning, he was able to ignore the pain for a minute and close his eyes to sleep.

once he woke up again, the sun was already shining through his curtains. he felt absolutely horrible. he couldn't stop shivering and it still felt like someone had hit him in the stomach with a bowling ball. he did his best to groggily climb out of bed and slowly walk to the kitchen to take some medicine. moments like these is when living alone sucks.

as bad as he felt, he still needed food, even if he thought it might come back up sooner or later. he tried his best to make some ramen, hoping the heat would make him feel at least a little better.

"crap." he leaned over on the fridge, remembering he had a test in history today. he was about to fall asleep in that position until he heard a knock on the door, followed by a yell from a familiar voice.

"you better be awake or i'm leaving!" now what the hell is he doing here...

he slugged over to his door and when he opened it, he was met with a not so happy looking changbin on the other side. "why are you here? there's school today."

"because last night you sent us texts saying how much you needed our help today, but apparently hyunjin had better things to do. so now i'm here, but not because i want to be though. i was forced." the younger of the two walked through the door and put his bag down next to the couch.

"oh ok, i guess that could be helpful. i'm gonna go lay down then, bring me my ramen when it's done."

"woah, i didn't think taking care of you meant being your personal slave."

"well then, you thought wrong. i'm sick, obviously, so suck it up and deal with it because i can't do much by myself right now."

"geez, fine. just go lay down or whatever." changbin sat in the living room and pulled out his phone to keep him busy. his original thought was that maybe he could at least spend some time with his friend for the day, but that wasn't going to happen.


most of the day was spent with minho either sleeping or trying his best to, while changbin sat in the living room watching whatever he could find on the tv. the younger had offered to stay the night since he knew his mom would be fine with it. no matter how much he pretended like he didn't want to be there, he still cared for his friend's health in secret.

around 6pm, minho had waddled his way down the hallway looking absolutely hilarious. he was bundled up as much as possible with what looked like at least 2 coats, the biggest scarf changbin had ever seen, and a hat and gloves to top it off. "cold much? you could've asked me to just turn up the thermostat."

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