Long way to school

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Hello everyone! I know what you think another story when I have a trouble with one running, but I have had this idea in my head since I started reading stories on Wattpad. And I'll promise right here and right now I will really work on myself to write it more regularly.
But back to this story. It takes place when Sam, Elvis, Penny and everyone else are younger and are going to schools. I add some characters from myself, one more important, one less, but you will see it on your own eyes and decide. This is also my first story when I write from someone's pov, so, please, forgive me if it will be some mistakes.
Anyway I wish you happy adventure with this chapter;)

Sam's POV
I didn't belive my luck when I reached the bus stop. I ran from my house completely anxious if I would be there on the time. I breathed with relief when I saw how Mr.Evans' bus has just been stopped on the left from the stop. So I still had time to walked there with good look, not like a completely idiot, who lived near the bus stop and was usually late. It was so strange, but as I heard from children from Newtown it was typical thing. Anyway I was always scared I would be late, but I had to go slower with my younger brother Charlie, I loved him except his slowness played on my nerves sometimes, so we usually had to ran the rest of the way to be at school, because if I was late for a bus, I wouldn't be at school such day. 

As the rest of children from Pontypandy and other small villages we went to school in Newtown. Yesterday I started a high school and it was stressful for my parents and me, because it has been the first time we went to this school. Today I would first see how it was to come there on my own. Not exactly on my own, because I had got a friend who was going to go there too.

When I reached the bus stop, I saw Mr.Evans' bus has already stopped to take us to Newtown. I left my brother first then I went inside, welcomed everyone with smile and sat at my old place from days Mr.Evans dropped us off in Newtown for our primary school lessons. I was surprised when I didn't saw Elvis inside the bus, when Mr.Evans slowly drove off.

"Are you happy you are going to atend to high school?" He asked us. Someone in back site mumbled the answer, but it was still the silence.

I turned around to look for Elvis, but I didn't see him, despite all the sits were occupited. I was sitting at the middle of bus on the right.
On the left in the same line of two chairs Mary Lou was sitting. She has got straight, shoulder-lenght, black like unstarry night sky hair and dark eyes. She liked to listening to music and was the shiest of the children in Pontypandy. I haven't known her too well, because of her shyness and the fact she didn't like playing with us outside, but she was always kind when someone of us needed help with Science, she was a master in it.
Before her, my younger brother was sitting. We looked completely diffrent. He has got curly, brown hair and as brown as his hair eyes when I have got more straight than curly, ginger-red hair and clearly blue eyes. We were more similar in character, because, as our mother said, we liked to help everyone and really had minds for jokes. I loved time I spent with my brother and I was afraid it would end when we would learn in diffrent schools.
At the first sit behind the driver on the left, Bronwyn was sitting. She has got fair blonde hair and green eyes. She was at the same age as my brother and they found their common language, I really enjoyed seeing my brother's red as a tomato face when I was teasing him about that fact. I wasn't telling I didn't like her, she was nice and interesting person, but I probably saw more than Charlie.
For a change behind Mary Lou, Lizzie was sitting. When we were younger, I heard someone told we looked like a siblings. It was at her birthday party about five years ago. Honestly to our appearance it was truth, because she has got ginger hair, a little lighter than me, and blue eyes. She was nice, but sometimes it was hard to talk with her, because she loved to talk about animals. And I had to agree she really had a hand for them.
At the backseats the two sisters were sitting and, as I knew them, gossiping. The older was Dylis and the younger Phylis. Dylis has been having short, dark brown hair since she was a child, while Phylis has got long, light, almost white, hair. They have got a similar brown eyes and character.
At the first seat before me, Jacob was sitting with his football on his knees. He has got straight blonde hair and dark green like wet grass at muddy ground eyes. He was a big fan of football and nobody of us could win with him in this game, he was too good.
When I turned back once again, I saw that Katie was sitting at her old place as same as I was. She has got really curly, dark hair to her shoulders and as sensitive blue as a fog eyes. She was only girl in my pack. Only I, Elvis and Katie. She was brave and very adventurous girl, so it was always something going to happen in her presence.
When I looked once again at the seat, where Elvis used to sit, now a girl with sunny blonde hair was sitting. As I went to the bus I was able to see she has got hazel eyes and was with her head in the book. I haven't seen her before, despite she remind of someone. Who it could be or from where I recognized this girl?

"Two questions" I turned back to Katie to see she expected I would ask her. When she nodded, I continued. "Where is Elvis and who is that girl who is sitting at his seat?"

"Elvis is ill, haven't you known about it?" she asked me with one eyebrow raised in sceptical way. "And to your second question, I don't know who she is. Ask them, they probably will know, they know everything if it goes for this" she added showing for Phylis and Dilys. I shook my head in disguist and looked throught the window.

"I keep myself for asking" I mumbled.

How it all started, that is school yearsWhere stories live. Discover now