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▬▬▬▬ "SO, YOU'RE REALLY dating?" The boy's eyes were no longer dull. In fact, if Seon Mi checked again, they'd almost look as if he was intrigued by the sudden . . . false revelation to which he didn't know.

"Are we?" 134 answered, fixing her gaze on Sae-byeok who only sighed and looked away. Park laughed at that and turned her head towards Cheol again, "No, we're just best friends."

"You're probably so close. This is the first time I saw her bring a friend"

'And this is probably the first time you talked this much,' Sae-byeok thought to herself. She quickly stood up and dusted her coat, "Cheol, we have to leave early. We have many errands to run."

"You only visit sometimes. Can't we spend more time together?" His straight face turned into a more pitiful demeanour. "You always leave me behind like this. I know you're trying to find mom, but can't we at least play a round of - game with kids kicking a ball?"


Seon Mi took a deep breath as she shifted her glance from her companion to the little boy with a sympathetic smile on her face, "We can stay for a moment longer."

"Really?" Cheol asked, his expression unchanged but with a more hopeful twinkle in his eyes.

"Yeah. Let's go! Let's play football -or soccer, whichever term you may prefer." Park shook her head, "Ah, that's not the point. Let's go play! Whoever gets to score three on the net gets the snacks I bought."

This motivated Cheol as he nodded with a smile and stood up from his seat, leaving Sae-byeok astounded with the scene that just unfolded. She was not pleased by this. She simply found it . . . concerning.

The young woman watched both of them play for minutes until the ball touched her foot. She slowly looked down before noticing two figures approaching.

"Play with us, Jennie!" Seon Mi encouraged..

Her brother scrunched his nose and looked at the girl next to him, "Jennie?"

"Ah. She doesn't like being called by her name, that's why I call her Jennie instead. But, the main reason why, is that it's something to make her mad," 134 lied.

This caused Sae-byeok to arch an eyebrow and leisurely lift her head up to her. How could Seon Mi lie so smoothly without stuttering? This raised her cautiousness around the girl. No matter how nice she was to her brother, her ability to lie like a spoon full of butter was enough of a reason for Sae-byeok to keep an eye out.

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