GHOST Log #4

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So I'm kinda stuck sitting around while everyone's off fighting, but I guess Ocean is keeping me company. There's a lot about her that reminds me of Alyssa, actually... really makes me start missing my family. I know I've only been gone for a couple days, but they're gonna be worried sick if I don't get home soon. What am I even supposed to tell them? About the butterfly? Alyssa'll call me crazy.

Maybe she'll bother me less about it if I show her the masks I found; the butterfly actually came by again and dropped off another mask? A blue one that only covers up to my nose. My sister's always been interested in oni demons for some reason, anyway. I'll just say I got it somewhere special, lost my phone, and give her another traveling excuse.

So, Jules brought me here to talk to that Drift dude. Yeah, and she brought me here only to find out he wasn't even here after she left, and nobody knew where he was at the time. Then he was here, and uh, now he's not. Again. He went off to fight shadows—or, it wasn't plural I think—SHADOW with everyone else, so they just left me here with Ocean. She's the leader apparently, but she can't fight because her leg is stitched up.

Why is this place so... messed up? All this fighting, and everything's so... hostile. Everyone seems so angry, except for Ocean right now, but I can tell she still wants to go out and fight. I guess that just leaves us at square one again.

Thinking again, the only person who doesn't seem angry is Jules. She just seemed scared. I think something really clicked with me when I met her, because I don't usually talk to strangers so much. I want to talk to her again, since she's the only one I've been able to talk to normally so far, but I guess that'll have to wait, too.

I also haven't been able to ask anyone about how I can get home. Just hasn't come up... it's totally not because I haven't been able to talk to anyone. Because I don't like people. Yeah. Okay, maybe that's the problem.

Ocean kinda has her own problems she's dealing with, so I didn't ask her. As soon as I get to talk to uh, Drift, I'm gonna have to ask him if he knows how to get back to the states. I'm just hoping he knows something. I still gotta wonder if this island is even on the same Earth, considering all the weird magic stuff going on... and, uh, don't forget about the giant, talking cat...

For now I'm just stuck here, I guess... actually, Ocean's calling me over to do something, so I better go. The Fortilla, right...? Let's hope you're nice to me.

Signing off,


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