(Halloween special)

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(For context, this story does not correlate with the current one playing out, it's just for funsies because, Halloween.)

"Who's in this time?" Tammy asked, putting her hands on the desk in front of Wren.

"A Mr. Warren Synott, never heard of him, must not be a local, he's looking for his uhm..." Wren paused scanning over the related area in the form. "One true love...?" she slightly cringed.

"Urgh, sounds like a creep to me, honestly." Tammy chuckled.

"Yeah, keep a close eye on him for me Tam," Wren responded, sliding the paper over to her, "Run some research while you're at it."

"Ten-Four captain!" Tammy saluted before swiftly rushing out of the office.

I don't like the sound of this guy, he seems like a total creep. Wren thought.

"Honestly, who on earth would call their partner their "One true love", seems sketchy..." she whispered to herself.

She pages through the requests for his girlfriend? Wife? could you even call her that, dude seemed like a stalker more than a lover? Whatever, brush it off, read the requests, get it done. 

I wish for my love Eleanor Gray to be cremated after a viewing of her body, possibly embalmed beforehand.

"Yeesh that's gonna be expensive," she hissed. "Hope he has the money for this, gonna have to talk to Hestia for this one... HESSY!!!" she called out

The sound of moving footsteps echoed down the hallway, ending in the door squeaking open as the redhead peered her head in.

"Hey, watcha need?"

"We have a very complicated request, this dude wants his uhm, wife? I guess. But he wants her embalmed, have the service, then cremated." she sighed, "I know it's a lot, it's gonna be expensive, You think you can do that for me, Hess?"

She handed Hestia the papers of Mr. Synott's requests, she flipped through the pages of lined paper, reading them over herself.

"This sounds like a stalker Wren." she realized "Is this legal, should we be doing this?" she looked up at her, creasing her eyebrows. "Is this alright?"

Wren leaned back in the office chair, joints squeaking as she stared up at the leaky roof.

Sighing, Wren said: "I dunno, and honestly, I'm just waiting for Tammy to get back with the public report to see if he's nuts..." she paused, hearing loud footsteps clatter up the old wooden stairs. She didn't recognize the first set, but the second set was Tammy, and that was her voice trying to calm their client down... oh boy...

"Warren PLEASE calm down, I TOLD you, your wife is gone!" she sounded out of breath "There's nothing more to it- OH-PLEASE DON'T GO IN THERE-"

The office door swung open, revealing a disheveled-looking man. His hair was very unkempt as an unshaved beard covered his jaw like a thick shadow. His eyes had large bags underneath them, evidence that he had gotten little to no sleep in the past few days. The man looked awful.

"Where is she?!" he sprinted forward, nearly tripping over his own feet as he leaned forward on the desk, looking Wren directly in the eyes. "Where is my Eleanor?!"

"Mr. Synott, I'm going to need you to calm down, you uhm... Wife, Eleanor is currently in our morgue awaiting your go-ahead to be embalmed." Wren kept her calm demeanor as she rose from her seat. Wren was a lot taller than the man, she practically towered over the man. "Please refrain from barging into this office unless there's something we need to talk about, from now on."

The man shrunk back, messy demeanor becoming more cowardly at the mere act of her standing her ground. 

"I'm sorry Miss Gluskin, you see, ever since my one true love passed away, my mind has been messing with me." he grabbed the sides of his hair, pulling violently, making Wren cringe. "I'M GOING CRAZY," he yelled, reverberating off of the office walls.

"Ok, sir, I'm going to need you to calm down, we aren't able to go through the proper procedures if you're not able to give consent due to a- uhm- certain state of mind," Wren explained, trying her best to keep a level head in the eyes of crazy.

His demeanor changed, going from a crazy, crackhead homeless man, to a man who knew exactly what was happening and what he was saying.

"I still see her, you know, Eleanor, I mean." he paused, his arms previously clutching his hair now cupping his face in a manic passion. "She's never left my mind, even if she didn't belong to me."

Wren curled back, away from Warren's general area. The low strum of uncomfort ran through her spine with a shiver. This man was insane, and yet they were helping him, helping him find a way through all the internal pain that a loved one's death would cause. But Wren wasn't even sure if Eleanor even knew him, or if he was just some stalker who follows her from her workplace every day.

"What- uhm- what do you mean by that Mr. Synott? You did know Miss Gray right?" Hestia hesitated.

"Oh, yes, yes of course!"


"How about..." she walked around the desk to Warren's side. "You go wait downstairs, with Hestia-"

"Why me?!" she whispered.

"Just do it!"

"And she'll help you go through the procedures, although we might need another family member to sign off on the documents."

"NO-" he yelped, going quieter at the shock from around the room "No, uhm, I'll do it, don't worry, I-I just need time."

He swiftly walked out of the room, Hestia quickly following behind, giving Wren a dirty glance before silently shutting the door behind her.

Tammy scooted closer to Wren's desk, slipping a small stack of papers onto the top of the desk, resting her red painted finger on the top, she tapped the surface, drawing Wren's attention to the desk.

"Take a look at these for me, you might just find something you'll find interesting." She mentioned, pushing the papers closer to her before walking towards the door, standing and waiting for Wren's reaction.

Wren paged through the slim stack of papers stopping through the public records and stopped suddenly, eyes widening, her hands slamming down the papers.

"Call the police, NOW."

There typed out clear as day was the following account:

Grey, Eleanor, was charged with 2 accounts of stalking and battery, the victim's name, Synott, Warren is currently undergoing medical treatment for the damage inflicted on his mind. As far as the police investigation has gotten, currently, the police are investigating the suicide of Miss Eleanor Grey. Due to the mental damage, Mr. Synott is undergoing special treatment, and should not be allowed to perform any official acts at the time.

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