Part 13 (The summer silence)

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(// Hey ya'll aren't gonna believe this, but for a murder mystery story, there's going to be descriptions of gore haha, anyhow, I'll let ya'll know when that fiasco goes down.//)

"So let me get this straight." Wren pinched the bridge of her nose as she talked over her Father's office phone to the detective on the other end. "My father is alive, is currently in the state capital, looking for personal records and crime reports, with a bunch of his cop buddies from high school. And he hasn't taken the time to tell us where he's been for the last month or so, right."

"Look, I'm just as confused as you guys are, but at least we know he's alive." he sighed "That's worth something isn't it?"

"I guess you're right, whatever, Tamm told me you were hot on the trail for your new lead." she quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, but you're not gonna like who we think it might be..." he murmured, trying to keep quiet.

Wren leaned her ear close to the phone, covering it so no sounds escape and fall on the ears of eavesdroppers. Eyes shooting open wide from shock as a name she knew was whispered through the phone.

"No way." she gasped into the receiver, "But, I thought that-"

"On our side?" Sasha finished her sentence for her. "Yeah, me too, but as far as we can tell, there isn't any substantial, or prominent evidence, just small things that would be missed by most people."

"Should I tell the others?" she asked quietly, scanning her surroundings to make sure nobody was listening in to their conversation.

"I don't think so, give them a little while, once we get Matt's autopsy report back, we're diving headfirst into this," he explained.

"What about Matt's autopsy?" Wren became quiet, confused. "He isn't... is he?"

Sasha sighed into the phone, trying to keep his composure at the fact he just lost one of his closest friends. 

"Yes, he is Wren, they found his body on the train tracks a few days ago, I'm going to the coroner's office, we've got to put an end to this." he hung up the phone.

Wren stood silently in her father's office, another one was gone, what was going to happen now? Matt was one of the best investigators, and one of the only ones working on the current case. Now he was gone, murdered, and she had to keep it a secret from the others... Wren's gut churned with anxiety as she made her way out of the room, as she caught a glimpse of Hestia making her way out of a nearby room.

It feels wrong not to tell her, but it'll tear her from the inside out. Wren thought.

"Hey, Hessy?" Wren called across the hallway as Hestia turned her body to face her.

"Yeah what's up?"

"Can you keep watch over the place for a little while, I'm heading out to meet up with Sasha, if anything goes wrong call me," she explained her task at hand to Hestia, as she shuffled through the hall and threw on her bomber jacket.

"But Wren, we're swamped with work right now, we just got a call from a nursing home- and Tammy's out on call right now- and-and..." Hestia stumbled over her words, stress showing on her face.

"Hey, hey..." Wren attempted to soother her nerves, "It'll just be for a little, I'll help you and Tamm as soon as I get back okay?"

Hestia sighed with frustration, "Ugh fine." she fumbled with the edges of the papers in her hand. "But make it quick alright, we kinda need you here."

"I'll ask Sasha to help when we get back." she grinned, shutting the door behind her.

"Alright Betty, forgive me, Dad would've hated this, but Hestia would have yelled at me more if I made her drive me..." she talked to the car.

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