Chapter 7: Home

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AUTHOR'S NOTICE: FINALLY! After many months of work and college classes, I FINALLY finished the final chapter of this story! *celebrates* This chapter took me a while to do, besides work and classes, but also because I couldn't figure out how to finish this chapter. I"ll probably come back and fix the entire story for, after rereading it from the beginning, I've noticed some errors and that I came up with some ideas to add to it. But for now, I'm calling this story as completed and will be focusing on Escaping the Big Top and Ace of Heart. I'll probably make one or two one-shots that take place after this story but I'm not sure yet.

Disclaimer: Thomas and Friends belong to Mattel (Screw them XP), while Maria belongs to me.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this entire story along with this chapter. Thank you for all of the positive reviews for this story for it made me happy to know how much this story meant to you guys. Enjoy!


Gordon groaned softly as he slowly opened his eyes, slowly looking around. The sky was still dark with the stars sparkling while the horizon was slightly bright. Yawning a bit, Gordon looked over at the streamlined engine next to him and smiled slightly. Soft snores escaped Connor's mouth as he slept, his face relaxed and content. Looking down at his lover's skirt, he winced a bit as he looked at the dents caused by his buffers. Even though Connor didn't show it, Gordon knew that it must've been painful. Sighing quietly, Gordon looked down at his buffers as he started to think about Edward. Clenching his eyes shut, he struggled to hold back tears as he remembered how poorly he treated him. When he first arrived on Sodor, he immediately made fun of Edward given his size and the jobs he did. He always looked down on the older engine, feeling superior over him but secretly, was jealous of him. After everything Gordon did to Edward, the number 2 engine would always help him, smile at him, and just be a good friend to him. The day Edward said that he saw Gordon as a brother, Sodor's number 4 engine was speechless.


Gordon moved forward a bit, startled by the voice of his streamlined lover. He didn't know how long he was crying but felt the air chill his cheeks before being warmed by fresh tears. Gordon slowly moved back to his original spot before looking at his lover. Connor frowned sadly when he saw the broken look on Gordon's face. He knew Gordon was suffering just as much as Thomas, even though he tried to hide it. Behind his boastful and prideful face, everyone could see and hear the sadness in his heart. A sad silence surrounded the two engines, the soft cries coming from Sodor's number 4 engine.

"I don't know what to do, Connor..." Gordon muttered sadly, casting his gaze to the ground. "I...I feel so useless." He sighed softly. "I can't even cheer up my little brother as Edward could..."

"Gordon," Connor stated, looking at his lover with a soft smile. "You DO cheer Thomas up."

"But it's not the same as Edward!" Gordon huffed, fighting the tears back once more.

"You're right, it's not the same as Edward." Connor hummed, watching Gordon open his mouth before continuing. "Because you're not Edward. You're Gordon, Sodor's number 4 engine." He said firmly, watch Gordon close his mouth. "Thomas needs YOU while Edward is at the Steamworks. With Edward where he is, Thomas needs someone who is strong for both him and Edward. He needs both of his brothers, not just one."

Gordon stared at the streamlined engines with slightly wide eyes, small tears slowly sliding down his cheeks. Closing his eyes, he took a shaky breath before looking at him. "Thank you, Connor." He whispered, a slight smile appearing on his face.

"You're welcome." Connor smiled warmly as he looked at him.

A comfortable silence fell over the two engines as they waited for their drivers and firemen. They made small talk, trying to distract Gordon from the doubtful thoughts that kept entering his mind as they waited for their drivers and firemen. A few minutes passed before their crew showed up, starting their fireboxes up to get them ready for the day. The warmth of the fire was welcoming to Gordon after last night and this morning, even though Connor was the one who helped him. Looking at the streamlined engine, Gordon watched how the morning sun's rays reflected off of his teal and grey paintwork. The orange/pinkish light made his face shine as he talked to his driver. Gordon felt his face burn slightly as he stared at the engine he loved, Connor's words echoing in his mind.

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