Chapter 2: Aftermath

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Hey everyone! Chapter 2 is FINALLY done! I apologize for the late update but work and reality in general got in the way *sighs* but I was eventually able to finish this up. I have no idea when I'll finish chapter 3 for I have just started classes back up again *sighs* Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter for I've had a lot of writers block on how I wanted to do this chapter. ALSO since no o ne knows how they replace huge parts on an engine, like their boilers, fireboxes, etc, the scenes with them repairing Edward will be part of MY imagination and this is how I interpret they do this. Some minor graphic warning is advise for when Edward is being worked on but nothing too bad or serious, yet.

Once again, a shout out to my FF sister Raphianna who edited a part of this chapter and for making the awesome cover art for this story. Love you sis!

DISCLAIMER: Thomas and Friends belong to Reverend Awdry and Mattel(I still hate them) while the workmen with names belong to me.

Hope you enjoy and please leave positive reviews!

"EDWARD!" Thomas cried out as he tried to get his older brother to make a sound. Any sound that would indicate if he was still alive. He cried in pain as he felt himself being pulled onto a flatbed attached to Porter. "No! I'm not leaving without Edward!" Thomas cried as he glared at them.

The others were shocked at his outburst, never hearing the tank engine act like that but understood why he was like this. Edward was more family to him then a friend and it's hard to see anyone, friend or family, to see those you love hurting.

"You need to get checked out, Thomas." Rocky said in a quiet voice. "Edward will join you at the Steamworks soon."

"Rocky's right Thomas." Porter said, trying to keep reassure Thomas. "They will bring Edward in soon, but you have to go to be repaired."

Thomas clenched his eyes shut as sobs escaped his mouth.

"Listen Thomas, I know Edward is important to you. He's also our friend and we're all hurting at seeing our friend like this." Porter said quietly. "Edward wouldn't want you hurting and would tell you to go to the Steamworks."

Thomas tried to quiet his sobs as he looked over at Edward. The workmen and the Search and Rescue men were busy trying to break the harden smelt from Edward as quickly as possible. Henry had move as close as he could, talking to Edward as he too tried to make him create a sound. Thomas moved his eyes up and watched as Cranky was loading the now empty cauldrons onto an empty flatbed attached to Salty. Looking down at the flatbed was on, Thomas sighed quietly.

"Alright." Thomas said quietly. He felt a small tug before Porter started to pull the flatbed towards Sodor's Steamworks. Thomas moved his eyes up as he watched Edward, his friend and brother, slowly fade from his sight.


Sir Topham Hatt was busy looking over schedules as he sat at his desk. Looking through charts and the map on his desk, He started to move that small, modeled trains around. "That should do it." He smirked to himself as he puts the charts down.

He jumped as the loud ringing from his phone filled the room. Picking it up, he cleared his throat and holds it against his ear. "Hello?" He hummed as continues to move the small, metal trains over the map. His eyes widen as he froze in place. "What? How did this happen?" He asked in a shocked voice. "Make sure they help him and to take him to the Steamworks immediately after he's freed." The Fat Controller said sternly as he hung his phone up. Looking back at the map, he gently picks up the two, blue, metal trains up, the numbers 1 and 2 painted on their side. "Oh, Thomas and Edward." He said quietly, his voice full of sadness.

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