Chapter 4

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                          What were you thinking Agreste!?  That was the question Adrien had to ask himself as he drove home to his lonely apartment. The air conditioner within his Aston Martin doing very little to cool him off after the previous interaction with Marinette. Eventually, he reached the apartment. At least he was at home now, and could freak out about his day in private. The clink of his keys landing on his counter echoing throughout the dark space,made Adrien's spine shiver. His solitude of living wasn't ideal at all. In fact he despised it, but he definitely preferred it over living at home with his father. Adrien had moved out only a couple of years ago, just a few months after his eighteenth birthday to be exact. At the time, he was still with Marinette, already dreaming that one day his new apartment would be theirs. Evidently that was never supposed to be the case. Dinner wasn't any better than the house itself this evening. It was cold and tasteless. He wasn't that hungry anyway. Foregoing dinner at this point, Adrien settled in for the evening. With the tv set up for background noise, the blonde began to go through the case file again. It was amazing what pure boredom could do to a person. Adrien wasn't even sure what he was looking for at this point, if anything just something to do. What were they going to do once they were in London? Where would they be staying again? Did they decide to stay with his cousin or at a hotel?How did he forget all this stuff!? Though it was bitter and awkward,he and Marinette had gone over these details. Believing that the stress of the evening was catching up to him, Adrien gave up on the task he had just began. As embarrassing as it would be, he'd have to ask her to remind him of the plan. Adrien wasn't surprised in the slightest when Marinette showed up late to the Gare du Nord train station the next morning. Checking his watch, the man determined that she was precisely fifteen minutes behind. Thankfully, the Startrain didn't leave for another five minutes.

"You're fifteen minutes late Mari." Adrien informed her sourly, hardly sparing her a glance.

"I'm aware Chat." She sassed back, attempting to hoist her suitcase into an upright position.

"Last call for train 331, platform 7." Hearing the call for their train,Adrien and Marinette made their way towards platform seven. Of course, this was only the beginning of the chaos today. Once onboard, they settled into their seats. Minimal space was granted for the two of them to put at least six feet between each other, and Marinette was obviously displeased. Adrien just dealt. What was he gonna do? Regardless, this was going to be a long two and a half hour ride.

"Would you quit squirming? I know you don't like me but geez." Adrien whispered leaning slightly toward her on his right. He could feel the eyes of the other passengers on them as they proceed to pass them by.Great, they must think we're having a couple's quarrel.Finally, she quit her huffing and puffing and settled to stare out the window. Man, he had forgotten how pretty she was. Correction, he didn't forget, he chose not to dwell on her beauty anymore. Yet, here she was, still as gorgeous as the day they revealed their identities.Not to say that she wasn't pretty before, but in that moment, she became irresistible. With a sigh, Adrien pulled his suit jacket closed and leaned back in his chair. It didn't matter now. She wasn't his anymore, and her beauty wasn't his to gaze upon. Unfortunately,it was just another painful reminder of everything that he had lost.Nothing was going to compare to her, but she wasn't going to take him back. He knew that. She made that clear to him. So why couldn't he shake his feelings for her!? Shouldn't he dislike her to the extent that she did? Even so, he could never get her out of his head. While he was with Kagami, he couldn't eradicate Marinette from his thoughts. Day after day he felt that he was cheating on Kagami just because his thoughts were always somehow on the bluebell eyes and long raven hair of his previous partner. Adrien recalled that she chose to grow her hair out because she knew he liked it and now that he really looked at it, for some reason she kept it the length that it was. Stop it Agreste! Leave her alone.Averting his eyes for a second time, Adrien tried to take his mind elsewhere. Fifteen to twenty minutes in, Adrien found himself beginning to settle into his current environment. Marinette however refused to let down her guard. Suddenly, their car jolted, causing them to fall to the floor in front of their seats. Adrien took the blunt of the force, Marinette falling on top of him. Her added weight setting off alarms bells in his brain. The rapid attempt she made to get up, caused her to slip and drop down onto his chest. How much worse could this get!?

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