Chapter 19

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                    The late morning sunshine had done little in the way of uplifting the mood within the safe house. Monica was still sound asleep in her room and Liam was unaccounted for. This meant that Adrien and Marinette were the only active members in the household at this time. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted throughout the space. Each chirping bird setting the ambiance in the quiet countryside. As Marinette came around the corner with a hot mug, she spotted her partner on the far side of the living room seated at the piano. His fingers gliding along the keys gently and indecisively. He appeared tired and lost in his own world. He sat with one foot up on the bench, his knee acting as an arm rest. It had been awhile since Marinette had seen him in such a state. Not that it was uncommon to see him in this way as of late. Something was up. There was just a soft vibe of soul searching emanating off him, enveloping the entire room. An unsure aura filled with guilt and longing. Mari studied him for a few moments longer, her coffee leaving a burned trail down her throat. His hands continued to float over the keys, this time a few notes beginning to form a melody. A very familiar melody at that. It was their first slow dance. Man it had been awhile since she'd heard it. After spending several months with Luka and listening to rock and jazz type music, it was kind of nice to hear the more classical style. Not that there was anything wrong with the rock or jazz. Adrien's demeanor seemed to shift now, becoming quite peaceful as he continued to play, zoned out in the tune, likely recalling the same memory she was.

"I didn't know you still played." Her partner nearly jumped, the notes that once danced, crashing to the floor instantly.

"Oh. Hey. Yeah, as long as I get to choose when and what I play, I still really enjoy it."

"You were playing our song."

"Huh? Oh yeah. It's ingrained in me I guess. I can stop if you'd like." His hand reached for the back of his neck. She hadn't meant to make him uneasy.

"No, no. Please keep playing. I like to reminisce."

"You make that hard to believe."

"I know. I still think I remember a couple notes though."

"Oh do you?"

"Yeah." Confidently, Mari sat down beside him. Her fingers spreading over the keys while her brain searched for a refresher of which key was which. She knew the names of the notes she was looking for, but their placement on the piano had suddenly fled from her memory. Still trying to process what she was attempting to do, Mari caught sight of Adrien's hands coming up beside hers. The tips of his fingers barely brushing the side of her hand sending an electric shock surging up her arm. How could he still do this to her? Get a hold of yourself Marinette. Before long Adrien began playing once more, with her at his side. The same melody ringing out. Almost as if officially challenging her memory of the tune. Taking a breath she assumed the melody, her partner switching over to the harmony. Together they filled the living room once more with the beautiful sound of the piano. Every chord merging into the next. Her hands remained stiff and slow, but nonetheless they proceeded. Eventually, she started to loosen up, allowing the duet to blossom into a smooth tune more beautiful than the one they started with. For a moment in time, the agents got lost in their past. The way she hit her head on his shoulder blades, the first time he asked, Alya and Nino's assistance, the moon in New York. All of it coming back between the measures. Why had she let something like this go? How could she have allowed it to slip through her grasp? Why hadn't see tried to save this? Did Adrien feel the same way? Or was it too late for them? The song hit its final notes, the sound pleasant and soft. A jarring contrast to how their relationship ended, but reflective of what it once was. From the corner of her eye, barely through the strands of her hair, Mari saw a glimpse of her partner smile. It was small and weak; the typical smile worn when someone thought of a once happy time. Now they were both wearing it, Marinette being careful to shield hers behind a curtain of her raven hair. The pair continued to sit there for another moment longer, for once comfortable in the other's presence.

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