Chapter 13

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                     "Whatchya doing?" Adrien asked as he came out of the bathroom, scruffing his blonde hair with a towel.

"Researching the exhibit. So far I've found several articles about it." While her partner had taken his sweet time in the shower, Marinette had decided to do something more productive with her free time. The drive out had honestly felt like a waste of time, though they needed to be here. An tomorrow they needed to be in Bournemouth, though they could easily make that drive within an hour. Still, that was an hour that could be wasted! Actually, the entirety of today had felt like a waste! The progress that the pair had made seemed small and insignificant compared to something like actually making contact with Monica. No, they had only managed to make contact with an old friend and her mom. At least Mrs. Denni was able to get them a bit closer to their target.

"It would make sense. If the hotel is packed for one event, I'd be surprised if it wasn't a big deal in the media." Adrien commented, taking a seat beside her on the bed. Ignoring him, Mari continued to scroll through her article.

"Do you have a suit?" Mari asked glancing up from her phone as Adrien got up and headed across the room to the closet.

"Yeah. I always have something for every occasion." He answered as he hung up his towel on the back of the bathroom door.

"A bit surprised. You used to never have what you needed on you."

"Well ya. You were always able to get us what we needed right when we needed it. Hints why we called it a lucky charm." He turned back toward her, forcing her to make contact with his emerald gaze. Apparently, eye contact was too much for him, and he once again shielded his gaze from her by directing his attention elsewhere. "Once you left me, I had to start looking after myself."

"You're a grown man and are capable of looking after yourself."

"Oh, I always was, but I was just so love struck I could hardly function." He fired back walking back over to the bed and taking a seat in his previous location.

"You're functioning now."

"Hardly." Marinette wasn't sure how to respond to that. Was he trying to say that he still loved her? Was that even possible? Was that what he even meant by that response? As off putting and uninterested he made himself seem, Mari also knew this man well. In a way, she grew up with him. Pre-reveal he acted similarly. Or was she just overthinking and trying way too hard to analyze and understand a deeper meaning to a simple word when there wasn't one? The answer was unclear. She didn't dwell further on the subject, when her partner spoke up once more. "Want anything?"


"I'm ordering room service." Actually, now that she thought about it, Marinette was pretty hungry. The last time she had eaten today having been at breakfast.

"Sure." It didn't take long for the agents to get their meals, and eventually settle down for the evening. Adrien managed to crash first after a long discussion on where each one of them would sleep. With minimal floor space and no couch, they were left with very few options. At one point, even the bath tub was considered. Though that was easily ruled out due to the bathroom being cold and the tub still being damp after Adrien's shower. The car was also easily knocked out, since the outside air was bitter cold. Besides, they were paying for a hotel room anyway. In the end, they decided that they'd just have to share the bed. What other choice did they have? In Mari's opinion, they should've tried harder to find another solution, but the longer they let this drag on, the more exhausted she became. Amplifying her inability to think rationally through this situation. Climbing under the covers as quietly as possible beside her partner, she made sure to turn her back to him. It was unclear if that was just a minor mutual respect they were giving, or if it was purely because they were still sour about their previous relationship with one another. Nevertheless, they were doing this. They were in the same bed. Honestly, it was surprising that they hadn't run into this type of situation throughout their years together. They'd always found a way around it, but the most inconvenient things always happened when you least expected them. Was it fate? If she was honest, Marinette's world had been in a downward spiral since she split with her partner a few months ago. Whatever the case, the former partners were sharing a bed. At least they had a foot or two between them. Regardless of how hard she tried to get to sleep or how worn out she was, Marinette couldn't fall asleep. Her partner, however, seemed to be out. His slow steady breathing, accompanied by the air conditioner, setting the soundtrack of the room. How was he able to sleep so easily in their current circumstances? Her thoughts were too overwhelmed to rest. The room was beginning to get hot and uncomfortable, making Mari want to throw off the duvet. Except, she did that, and she'd likely wake Adrien. Yes, he was asleep, but he wasn't a deep sleeper. Choosing to suffer through the growing heat, Mari tried once more to close her eyes and drift off. Of course, it was unsuccessful. Closing her eyes was one thing, shutting down her mind was another. Where would she be today had it not been for that night? Where would they be, had it not been for that night? That one night that changed everything. That one night, that had been influenced by oneself-degrading thought. One decision, based on that single thought, leading to turmoil within a strong relationship. Their inseparable pair dividing in two and shattering their facade of invincibility as a team. Had they stayed together and solved their problems, where would they have been now? She knew that she'd asked this question several times already, but it continued to return to the forefront of her mind. Would they have been engaged? What was she thinking!? It had only been six months! Adrien likely wouldn't have proposed in that time frame. Especially, if they picked up where they left off. Then again, it was because she had suspected that he maybe would ask her to marry him some time in the near future, that had led her to question if she was truly the woman that her partner deserved. If only she knew. If only she had thought through her decision further. If only she'd silenced her doubts. If only she'd silenced them immediately, and who knew what the circumstances would be in the present. She needed to think about something else if she was to get any sleep tonight. Tomorrow. She needed to focus on tomorrow. Tomorrow at five p.m. she and Adrien were to attend the Jewels Of The Titanic exhibit. Being that it was a formal affair, she'd wear one of her more elegant dresses. Specifically the black one that would ombré into red with the diamond beaded one-shoulder neckline above a small keyhole and belt. It was a dazzling dress. Granted she hadn't another option but to wear it, since she had only packed the one. In an instant, Mari's dress distraction evaporated. The bed had shifted. It was clear that Adrien had moved, but she wasn't sure in what way. Had he rolled over? Did he end up closer to her? Not knowing how her partner had adjusted himself, Mari froze. Waiting for a moment to see if he'd move further, Mari tried to decide if she would look back at him. Don't do it. Don't look back. The sheets stilled, allowing her curiosity to override her rational thinking. So, acting against her better judgment, the woman decided to look back. Slowly, Marinette lifted her head off her pillow and directed her sight towards her partner. Now the answer was revealed. Adrien had shifted from his side over onto his back, his face still turned away from her, and his left hand on his stomach. From what she could tell, he seemed comfortable with his breathing remaining slow and steady.Though it was dark, his golden hair managed to catch her attention. The way it fell in gentle waves bringing back the memory of days long gone. Her partner was a very handsome guy, his hair catching her attention from day one. She'd been able to spot him in crowds easily because of it. Their lazy afternoons when she'd scruff his hair or let him lay his head in her lap and run her fingers through it, with him thoroughly enjoying the pampering like a cat being scratched behind its ear. All now a distant recollection. Her temptation to relive them once more begging her to reach out. Except, she couldn't do that. Not anymore. Chat Noir wasn't hers anymore, and never again would he be. They'd lost their chance. Her gaze dropped to the edge of her pillow at the thought. The pain that hit her strong, but relatively mild. Realizing that she was still facing her partner, Mari shoved the emotion away and turned her head back. Why was she like this!? Why couldn't she just drop it and go to sleep!? That was all she wanted. Trying once more to get to sleep, Marinette closed her eyes. Finally, finally, she must have succeeded in her attempt because when she reopened her eyes again, the sunshine was filtering through the window behind her. It was morning!? Already!? Mari slowly rose to her elbows and peered over her shoulders drearily. Her long dark hair falling over her opposite shoulder in a tangled disaster. Expecting to see Adrien beside her, the woman prepped herself for the reality that she and actually survived a night sleeping beside her ex. Except, that quickly changed, when Adrien wasn't in her range of sight. Where did he go? Now she sat up further to check for him behind her, and sure enough she found him. He was already dressed for the day and folding up his gray t-shirt from last night. The female agent had forgotten that her male counterpart was a morning person.

"Morning Princess."

"Uhgggggg.....what time is it?"

"Time for you to get up." He replied bending over to set his shirt back in his suitcase.

"Ha ha......very funny. Seriously?"

"Five a.m." Mari groaned, five in the morning? Disgusted by the clock, Mari grabbed her pillow and pulled it down over her head. Why did he get up so early!? How could he even be awake at this hour? Why on earth was she!? Realizing this, Mari groaned once more. She wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep this morning. Giving in with frustration, Marinette threw the covers back and sat up. She slipped off the bed and dropped her feet to the floor with a soft thud. Her hair felt heavy and thick as it traveled past her cheeks and down the back of her neck. The struggles of long hair. Back in the day her hair had been shorter, barely reaching past her shoulders. After proceeding into a relationship with Adrien, he'd convinced her to grow it out, saying he found it beautiful. Though his opinion on such a matter couldn't have been effected either way. He didn't care if her hair was short or long, he loved her for her. Well, at least she believed he did. What was she doing!? She had other more important things to do than reminisce on previous relationships. Mari stood up and commenced on her regular morning routine, of course, having to figure out how to maneuver about her partner being the one thing that hindered her progress and ability to move quickly. Settling for an off-white tee, a pair of jeans, and a high ponytail, Mari could already tell that today was going to be another long one. Making one final check , she grabbed a black cardigan and her purse before heading towards the door. Following her partner out, she could sense that things were about to change. Some dynamic would shift. Just something in her gut gave her foreshadowing of an unknown outcome. An outcome that derived from an unforeseen situation that she couldn't predict no matter how hard she tried. If at all. Oddly, in a mutual unspoken understanding, the pair decided that this morning was a good one to embark on a morning stroll, rather than a morning drive. Side by side they walked along the sidewalk. The early birds were chirping and the squirrels were already in the grass chewing on their breakfast. Truly a pleasant way to start the morning if she disregarded everything else. They kept walking until they'd gone about a block. The museum that the receptionist referred to standing mere feet from the street corner where they stood. At least they knew where it was now. "Well, it's about six now and the museum doesn't open until about 10:30. That being said, you hungry?" Adrien asked splitting the serenity of a quiet morning. Marinette didn't answer, a bit taken aback by the question. Why, she wasn't sure. It wasn't an unusual question to ask at this hour. Plus he made a valid point. They had time, and honestly she was a bit hungry. With a beautiful, but weak, smile and a roll of his eyes, Adrien turned around and pulled open the front door of a cafe. Despite what he might have felt toward her, it was clear that Adrien Agreste was still a gentleman. Though she was convinced that in this moment some of his Chat Noir was showing through. Selecting a booth and sitting down, Mari began to contemplate the differences between the two men. Or rather the two personalities that made up the one. It was many years ago when she last considered the two sides of Adrien Agreste to be two people. If not for the reveal, she would have never known that her high school crush was her rambunctious partner. The freedom in which he had as a spy versus when he was under the spotlight as the Agreste heir allowing him to act vastly different between the two worlds. Not to mention, it gave him a significant advantage in concealing his identity. Another reason why she needed the reveal. Yet the latter remained true, Miraculous agent or celebrity son, Adrien Agreste would remain to be two sides to one coin. Leaving only enough room for one to clearly match the pieces together and morph them into a single unit. It made Mari happy to see him whole. However, now it felt more like a curse than a privilege. In the past she had been unable to connect the dots, allowing her to have two different, but controllable reactions to him. Knowing his identity now, all of her actions and responses toward him would be one fluid feeling. It was no secret that her partner had his own quirks and flaws, not that anyone didn't, but his were kind of from a unique situation. To this day he was still learning to manage them, but for the most part he seemed to come out well on the other side. She on the other hand, found herself in an unfortunate cycle of repetitive thoughts and explosive actions. They weren't communicating very well right now. An due to all the tension, Mari wasn't entirely sure how to fix it. For the sake of the mission and her own sanity, they needed to figure this out. The sooner they did that and the sooner they'd be able to go their separate ways. She may not ever see him again afterwords, but if it meant she'd be able to escape the torment of her emotions, it would be worth the cost.

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