Anger and Acceptance

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A/n: Hello! Nice to see you again readers! It's getting close to white streak in my hair but no stress now time. :]

Tw: Mention of character death, slight mention of attempted murder,


{Y/n's P.O.V.}

"Well, when Ghostbur died, Wilbur was revived."Ranboo finishes. 'Ghostbur dead how is that possible? I just got to meet him a few weeks ago, why and how did this happen?' I thought covering my mouth as I felt tears start to form and to not alert Ranboo I was there. "What? That's not possible, Ghostbur is a Ghost, he can't die," dad said as if sharing my thoughts. "Well, you remember How I told you Dream had some sort of revive book, right?" Ranboo started, " I am pretty sure that Ghostbur even told you himself that reviving Wilbur would kill him, the problem though is that is the good news."

 'He is here?' I thought. All the sadness turned to anger at this. 'I was already torn away from my mother by XD and now Ghostbur is gone taken from us by his puppet, yet you are celebrating?' I wanted to shout so bad. 

"Oh my Death, He's back, there really was a way to revive him." I hear dad say as if happy about my brother being double dead. "um, He said something about being stuck in a train station for thirteen years, is that normal for him? Like he was happy to be back but he was almost too happy for comfort." Ranboo said. "Oh my, 13 years?" dad repeats asks. "Yeah, he said he kinda just existed in the train station for 13 years then was able to leave." Ranboo said clarifying. "13 years is a long time to be away, he.... might not..... be the same person." dad said. 

I know he shouldn't be relieved. It was nothing but his false hope. Jumping down the ladder I had no thoughts of the consequences. Looking up I see my father sitting on a chair and a  black and white figure staring politely above me. "Wish all you want but You and I both know that's not true father," I say looking dead into his eyes completely ignoring the other person in the room. "If that were true then explain to me why mother allowed ghosts to roam the earth after death, maybe it's because that there chance to fix unfinished business while the most destructive part of their soul is locked away in a limbo," I say with tears running down my face as I speak. 

The room goes silent.  I look to see father trying to say something but I just don't care. I dash out the door across to Techno's house. He most likely would be asleep but I'd rather be around my older brother much more than my father right now even if he is asleep. 

Opening the door I am greeted by Techno digging through a chest trying to find something. his head goes up knowing someone is behind him. "It's me Y/n Techno," I say softly so he hopefully won't try to kill me. Dad had told me a few days ago that unless he knows you are not a threat there is a high possibility of losing a life. Which in short, I can not afford to lose. 

"Random child who lives with Phil, what do you want?" Techno says turning to face me.
"First off you should remember me, and second I don't want to be near dad for a little bit," I say in a low angry voice. "That's very hard to believe. I've been Phil's companion for years and it's pretty hard to hate him," he responds.  

"Why do  you call him Phil instead of dad?" I say trying to change the subject. "Why do you call him dad instead of Phil? I know what what your playing at, don't change the subject." Techno quickly responds." I guess that Wilbur and Tommy weren't ever you're siblings either." I say not backing down. "How do you know that Information?" He says looking at me sternly.  "Would you even care if I told you?" I say still mad. "I mean it might, especially since I am pretty sure you tried to stab Phil when I first met you." Techno responds almost mockingly. 

"Techno, I know you are not dumb. How in the world would I have wings if I was not related to dad?" I ask. "Wings are not enough to prove your related to me, after all none of my siblings have wings. For all I know you could be something along the lines of a gods puppet." he responds calmly.  I bite the inside of my lip. I don't want to think of the past. 

Mother always told me that for my own safety I needed to hide my hardcore mark when I was not with her, otherwise people would target me and attempt to take my life. I understand every rule my mother ever taught me was for my survival but I want to at least be on terms with my oldest brother where he at least acknowledged me as his sibling. I pull up the sleeve of the old yellow sweater dad had modified for me, but only enough for someone to be able to see my wrist, revealing my hardcore mark. "Is have the hardcore curse and wings enough proof yet?" I ask. Technoblade chuckles. "I believe you kid," he says.

"You know kid, you remind me a lot like a younger Tommy. Your too stubborn too back down when you are mad." He says smiling. "So would you be willing to tell me why you ran into my home so upset?" he ask. I shake my head no. Instead I run to techno giving him a hug, burying my head into Techno's shirt. Little do I know that Techno is stuck in an struggle of knowing what to do. I feel a pat on my head. "It's going to be alright Y/n," I hear him say before I start to doze off.

Technoblade's P.O.V

Y/n had fallen asleep while she held onto me for safety and comfort. I really wasn't lying when I said she reminded me of Tommy. last time I felt this at peace with another person besides Phil was when Tommy used to live in a burro under my home. I can remember when Tommy would sometimes have nightmares in the middle of the night about his past trauma forcing either me or Philza to have to wake him up and calm him down. On some of the nights the nightmares would be so bad that he would just hold onto us shaking, not saying a word even after he fell back asleep.

He would rarely reveal would tell us what the night mares where about and I never bothered to ask which I regret so much. As much as I hate Tommy for betraying me and Phil, I can't hate him entirely. I more blame myself for all the mistakes I made more than him for every thing that would come. I realize I made the biggest mistake leaving Tommy that day, and I may very well never be able to gain his forgiveness. I however would make sure that I would not make the same mistakes with Y/n.

I pick up Y/n bridal style and start carrying her back over to dad's house. There Is a note on the door. "Going to find Fundy to tell him something, I'll be back tomorrow morning. Techno Please watch Y/n for me while I'm gone. -Philza" It said. 'whelp, there goes my plan.' I thought. I walk back inside my house. "I guess since you'll be staying the night I better put you in the guest room Tommy so graciously made me." I say aloud.


A/n: Thank you for reading this chapter,
Remember to eat, sleep, and drink.
Also reminder, close YouTube for 5 minutes so that you won't be upset again from today's lore, I know you might have cried (I did) so let's all calm down.
Have a good night/day wherever you are.


Word count: 1360

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