Chapter 1

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 My name is Kara Novna Romanova, I speak both English and Russian. There aren't many people who truly know me but those who do call me the Dark Widow. Why am I called this? Well, let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Ten years ago, today I lost everything I ever had, a mother, an uncle, an aunt, and two cousins. How did I lose them? Many believe it was through death, others believe I was only taken, but above all that everyone believes that we were all killed. Trust me that's not my real story; just what I tell people I don't trust. This is my story...

... That night was dark and cold, a floor of concrete, walls of stone, and a strong smell of smoke. The ringing of the clocks and the crying of other girls is all you could hear. There was a girl who was laid close to me, you could barely make her out in the dark, as she clung to my arm. There was another holding close to my left leg. Slowly as the ringing faded the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer then stopped. A low, rough voice sounded, saying a name I very well understood..." Кара это время / Kara it's time".

After that first encounter things have never been the same. I was only nine, and the group I was brought with was dwindling fast. In just a matter of weeks a group of fifty girls was now down to thirty and still falling as all were sorted by age and skill. At first it was scary, but as the time passed things came to be more normal in a way. Passing through the halls you'd see images of other girls on walls with what look to be in a rank order, every one of them had a red ribbon under them, some had a blue or gray, but two of the images, at the top, had red and black ribbons under them. Whispering under my breathe came the words, "Кто они и вчем смысл этих лент / Who are they and what are the meanings of these ribbons?"

Today I start training. Sure, they were only teaching us different dance maneuvers, but it seemed very important to them, whoever they are. On my way to my training room, I saw the room that everyone in my group feared, The Red Room. To me it was more of a black room than red but along the back wall you could see a red hourglass, but it was still called The Red Room and supposedly very scary. I ended up staying longer than I thought I had, I hadn't moved from my original spot by the door, just standing and watching, four girls while they trained in unison.

Being late to training was not a good idea by any chance and would not go unnoticed. Luckily for me I was very close to my training room and got in just in time. In the room stood about fifteen girls, I figured by the way they looked alone they were around my age and having been able to understand what many were saying around me I knew what was going to happen soon. I watched our instructor as she spoke, I heard her speaking English to the other girls with a heavy Russian accent. Soon I was snapped back to reality when the trainer called my name, "Kara, Maya, and Lily. You three will be training together." Honestly, she looked surprised to see that I didn't fully respond to my English name. I guess the look I gave made her respond in Russian "Кара Вы тренируетесь с Майей и Лилы. Поняли? / Kara you are training with Maya and Lily. Understood?"

Of course, that I understood, quickly nodding my head not really wanting to speak and to my surprise she didn't make me say anything. I knew Russian very well but, I was still working on my English. I remember living in the states and my family spoke English to me, but I never fully pick it up. I could make small conversations using names I knew but other than that there was nothing I could say especially around these people. Майя и Лилия / Maya and Lily knew who I was after that happened, but it didn't bother me. Майя approached me first. She had light brown hair. She looked to be about eight or nine. She was just a little shorter than me but otherwise, in my opinion, looked fearless. Лилия on the other hand, she had dark brown almost black hair and look even younger than us, maybe six or seven. She seemed to be scared like many of the girls in our groups.


This story was one I created with the love of the Marvel Universe, it is not yet completed and chapters will vary in length. I hope you will enjoy this story. 

This story was created after I watched endgame but with this story I wanted to change some thing around like what if, three of the original six besides Clint had a family. How would that family affect the dynamic of the team.

If this is something your interested in please continue to follow this story. Chapters will hopefully be upload every day till I get to the end of were I stopped. I have a bit of writers block on just how to continue things. A lot of chapters will have drawings at the beginning, if the drawing has a date and name (SpiritWolf) then that is one that I have drawn to go with the story.

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