Chapter 1

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Panic at the Beach: Myren's POV

I have this theory about writers, in at least the books I've read in my 17 years of life there always seems to randomly be added a point of chaos within the books. It starts off fine, the main protagonist meets a special someone, they take a while and then they fall in love but suddenly bam! An evil villain pops out of nowhere but never fear because the main protagonist happens to be a magical, ultimately powerful being and takes down the villain and they live happily ever after with their special someone.


Like, why does it all seem so random? So, out of place? 


Why do I seem so out of place?
I stare down at my hands, they stay frozen in the air just above the keyboard. Frustration bubbles up inside of me and I harshly push off of my desk, shaking the table and everything on it as the momentum moves me toward my bed. 

"I fuckin' suck at writing shit out" I mumbled to no one in particular. It was true though, sometimes in my shower I'd think of something brilliant to write but when it comes down to it… I just can't seem to put the pen on paper. Or in modern words, type out what I want to say and that feeling of frustration sucks balls!

And it honestly does not help that absolutely nothing happens in this tiny, musty town. At least, not until Bella Swan came around. She brought with her a whirlwind of chaos and crazy. Whether she realized it or not, I for one sure had. I watched her from a distance, hidden behind my own shield and saw it all… kinda of like a creep but it is my job; technically. My father Rain and mother Lena assigned me this very specific and important task years ago, in our home in the old abandoned graveyard on the outskirts of the town. I know it doesn't sound typical, but it was my normal. 

I missed my parents, but I knew how important it was that I leave them in order to complete my work here, even if this town didn't have much going on (with the obvious exception of Bella Swan). 

The Cullens did leave though, having been threatened to be exposed by Bella if she were not turned. Not to mention the heat and attention put on them after one of their children, Edward, became Bella's prime victim for stalking and harassment. This chick really is a lot of trouble.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." 

Wide eyes, with piercing black orbs peered at me from the crack of the door. As a wisp of black mist moved to lay beside me on my bed, solidifying into a black furry cat.

"Hi, Auntie. Do you need something?" I asked, petting her gently on the head. 

Today is a rare sunny day, niece. Would it not be a great chance to go to the beach? You've been typing away for weeks now, I am worried.

Her voice echoed throughout my head, guilt flooded my system at the thought of worrying my aunt. Even so, the anxiety of leaving my safe haven, my room, my home made me queasy and sick.

"Apologizes, Auntie, I did not mean to worry you and I-I guess, it is not a horrible idea to go the sun...and see people" I shivered at the thought of seeing humans. Watching Bella interact with others has given me the idea that all humans are as bad as her, and I know that may not be true but still… sometimes you must assume it is all humans.

Wonderful! I packed a little bag with snacks, water, sunscreen, first aid and just about everything you'll need for a pleasant day at the beach! 

She happily communicated with me, and I smiled at her excitement. It made me happy to know she would enjoy this day out even if I didn't.

The drive to the local beach was a pleasant scenic drive, the bright greens of the pine needle trees blurring together under the still grey sky even as the Sun peeked a bit from behind the clouds. Giving off warm rays of light that danced across the dashboard of the car. The smooth, black road made the drive soothing and relaxing, my nerves rose once more as the car passed the splintering green sign that read "La Push Beach".  I inhaled as much of the salty air as I could, savoring the scent of fresh air and warm Sun as best as I could within my memories. 

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