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•••Ellie's POV•••

I remained silent. Have they left? I peeked under the blanket who was covering us. The ground was fucking cold. I still don't really know what is going on with Clementine and i, but i'm too scared to ask. I guess we're just friends.. Friends with benefits? Does that make sense? I saw just a few undead wandering around, but not like they're capable to eat us. Clem was so silent, i almost thought she had turned. Almost..."Clem..? Are you okay?" I asked kind of concerned. Clementine did not respond. I got extra scared now. I slowly turned my head to look at Clem. I giggled and a smile appeared on my face. She fell asleep. I crawled under the bed away and walked to Clem's side. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. I lifted her up."Get up, sleeping Beauty." Clem frowned and smacked my forehead. I sighed and almost dragged her out of the store."We HAVE to go.." Clementine looked pale, i didn't like where this is going. I frowned."Clem.. You're already looking pale.." Clementine looked up."I'm not going to turn..." Clementine yelled in my ear."Tfooee!! You don't have to yell at me.. I'm sad and scared too.." Clementine gave me the death glare."You don't know what it's like to be cuddled in and then die. I don't like it that you love me. I'll be leaving you anyway..".
Clementine, you little shit."How dare you say that? You're probably going to die! I want to give you all the love you need.." Clem's eyes turned a bit red and puffy, tears rolled down her cheek.

•••A stranger's POV••• (ooohh!! Secrets!)

I spit on the floor. Unbelievable, how could she just let him leave? And what happened to that asshole!? Ugh. I wish i could kill my sister sometimes. I kicked a rock and before i could kick the rock again, i heard a gunshots. Alot of gunshots. And screams. I ran back to the camp and looked around for my sister. I heard her scream inside the shed. I opened the doors. And i saw a few people and walkers around her. I heard her scream my name a few times."B--AARRRRRHHH!!!" I had tears in my eyes and sobbed. I ran away. No way i could save her. I grabbed a gun and food. I heard people dying. Screaming for help. And i just left. There was this mall not to far away. I knew, 'cause i always sat there on the roof. I haven't been there for a while."Shh... It- It's okay.. Sh-She'll be fine.."

I opened the door when i saw a shadow across i thought it was just a walker and ignored it. Then, i heard it TALK! I turned around. Pointed my gun at the sound and yelled."HEY! YOU!" I walked at him or her. I then saw, it were two persons. One looked very pale. Probably bit."Who are you guys!?" One redhead responded."We aren't 'guys' and you can start by saying your fucking name!" Fuck sake. Why do they all have to be a pain by telling their name!? I pointed my gun at the girl in her arms."Now. Tell me now." The girl in her arms sighed."It's Clementine. I'm Clementine. That's Ellie." The girl says."Where's the bite?" I asked. The girl shoved up her sleeve and showed me this rather big bite. No way that would've been undead."What was it?" It was already stitched. So the girl wasn't that pale of this bite."A dog... Fuckin' dog.." I wonder how she even got through that pain. Wait... I know this girl! It's Clementine! From that asshole's camp! But.. !!! Has it happened!? Did Sarah die!? Oh my...

•••Clementine's POV•••

I sighed. I looked back at Ellie. I wasn't going to turn. I SWEAR! I'm not pale because of the bite."I'm not going to turn, Ellie.." Ellie bit her lip. Like she didn't want to believe me. I got angry."IS IT THAT YOU DON'T WANT ME TO LIVE!? IS THAT IT!? MAYBE SINCE YOU SAW AN OTHER GIRL YOU JUST LEAVE ME TO DIE!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? IT'S JUST THAT--... FUCK YOU, ELLIE." I walked away. Stupid Ellie. She doesn't know anything about what's wrong. Why i'm so pale. I hate her! I hate her i hate her i hate her!!! "I'm not bit.. Ellie.. I just cutted too deep..." I pushed up my shirt to look at my stomach. A deep cut was shown.."I don't know why i did what i did either. I just did it.." I talked to myself. No one else was there anyways. Waaaait.. That girl. I know her. That's.. I don't know... I don't know. But she said bad things about Sarah. I don't like her. I stood up and dried my tears. Then someone knocked on the door."Clem..? This girl, uhm. Becca? Says she knows you.. And uh.. Are you okay..?" I nodded."Come in. It's true, i know this girl. Andduhh.. I'm fine.." Ellie basically bursted in the room. I smiled. Kinda cute. But i hate her."Clem!" Ellie hugged me tight."What the fuck? Why'd you ran away!?" Ellie stroked my hair."I uhh.. I kinda just got jealous.. I guess. And.. I'll show you why i'm really pale." I rolled up my shirt."I stopped the bleeding my biding a cloth to it. But that only helped for a day or two.." Ellie glared at me."Why the FUCK would you cut yourself!? Are you trying to leave me!?" I frowned."Ellie.. Shut up.. It's not ONLY about YOU! IT'S NOT THAT I'M ONLY LEAVING YOU! WHAT IF I WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN!? IF I WANT TO GO TO LEE, KENNY, DUCK, AND THE REST!? WHAT IF I WANT TO GO TO MY PARENTS....!?" I sobbed. I realized that i heard someone choke. I walked outside. And then i saw it. Becca basically just fucking put Ellie's knife in her own neck. Dumb... That's what she was. Dumb. I looked at her in fear. Her eyes looked relaxed though. It were my eyes that turned her feelings into my feeling. She turned scared. She crawled to me, grabbed my hand. And didn't want to go anymore. That was that hurt me. She made a decision and she can't go back anymore. Then i grabbed the knife and jammed it in her head. So that was it. I saw Becca and then she died. Then Ellie came.
When she saw it. She turned around, the different way, and walked away."Ellie! Ellie! Where are you going!?" She shook her head."Why would you out your anger on her!? I'm done with you, Clementine." I fell on my knees. Ellie walked away, without me. And i'll be alone. Forever.


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