5| Psycho

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A/N: So there really are people who are reading this. My mother language is not English so expect this to have errors, I will fix this soon though. Sorry, I'm bad. Short chap, but double post.

(Time skip: I'm really sorry, I'm just excited for the reader to see 'him')


There's not much time, and the ball is not going to enter the ring. We're dead.

 "Let's die..."


But then a guy jumps off from the cat's back and catches the ball to shoot it directly to the cat's collar, creating an electric gaze, completely shutting off the cat, and falling down with a perfect yet dramatic landing. "Wait...it's Amaya."It's that psycho bastard who killed my hamster when we were six-year-olds.

"Game over!"Everyone looked amazed, but not Shun and (Y/N), they both know what that guy can do. "We did it.."

"It's too early to celebrate.." Added shun while looking at the giant cat along with others.

"This time, the ones who survive are..Amaya Takeru, Tanaka (Y/N), Takahata Shun, Akimoto Ichika.."

"We really did survive!" (Y/N) cheered as she put her arms at both of her friend's necks and smiled. "Told yah" Shun added, making the three of them nod at each other. "Three people in all. Live." Their faces pale, they did not achieve their total goal. To save everyone. "What about the others?"

"What the..." (Y/N) widen her eyes, there were corpses again, and it is killed by Amaya Takeru with a sharp pole in his hand. He was smiling like a psychopath, loving the wetness and smell of blood.

"This is God's will. A world where the strong preys the weak."

"Stay back...he's a psychopath.." (Y/N) warned as she stands in front of the two. The three of them know how blood-thirsty is this man near them. The boy giggled at the comment.

"You don't agree with me, (Y/N)?" He scoff and pointed his sharp pole at the lifeless bodies he had killed. "Those who survive are strong, and those who died are weak.."

2nd POV

He gazes at his bloody weapon that was dripping to the clean floor and smiled dreamingly. "I've always dreamed of such a world..Thank you Kami-Sama, you have my gratitude!"

(Y/N) stood her stance in order to defend her friends, she knows everything this guy can do, she was similar him long ago. But fortunately, that changes when she met her four loving friends and two of them are already dead.

She can't wish for any more deaths. She'll protect them, even if it means sacrificing her 'old friend'

"This bastard is dangerous.." Shun added, backing away too. The psycho started taking steps inward. "Those who are incompetent are granted death, chosen by God as 'unqualified.' He stops his tracks and looked at both his precious friends. Ichika stayed in the back quietly, holding (Y/N)'s hands, tightly.

"Don't you two think like that too? Especially YOU Tanaka (Y/N)?" (Y/N) was quiet, but she knows her answer in her mind, though she was doubtful, she 'in the name of honesty' agreed with him a little. "We don't think like that, you're wrong," Shun answered, Takeru wasn't pleased.

"I don't think so..The three of us are the same."

"How so?" The girl finally spoke, raising her left eyebrow. "Ahh, I thought you wouldn't ask...Well, the three of us perceive that our lives are boring like our time doesn't flow. So in order to survive this life, we're chosen."The red-haired boy responded indirectly, that tick the two's patience.

"Cut the crap and just tell me what you mean!" Shun loses his cool and grabs the guy by his collar with flaring nostrils. Takeru showed him a picture on his phone who just randomly showed up and laughed. "Nice reaction that you're having."

(Y/N) in the back watch closely as she finally has enough. She need a straight answer, how and why did he know all of that. She pushes away Shun and grabs the guy, more firmly, with their noses almost touching. "Do you think this is a sort of joke? Takeru? You killed them, we didn't, we're not chosen, stop your delusions! The three of us are not the same." She was furious and scary, much more deadly, and he knows it.

"You know, your breath smells.."

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