9| Secret

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A/N: I'm overwhelmed, this story sucks. Sorry if I wasted your time while reading this, but I hope I can finish this soon to be edited. I haven't read the manga so I just created some backstories that are not in the manga. Please forgive me. I didn't update because I think I made the characters too OOC and have lost interest in continuing it.

Yet here I am.

: )

And this is a flashback btw, just a teaser to the two's backstory.

Warning!! (Animal Abuse) is this even right?

"What're you doing?" A young boy asked as he watches a girl burning 'stuff' in their backyard. "Playing.." The girl responded, not bothering to look at her back. "Playing with fire is dangerous ya know." The boy commented as he crunches his nose at the burning smoke.

"Well I think going into a stranger's backyard is dangerous too, what're you doing here? kid?"The girl spoke sharply. The boy scowled at her back and approached her, and crouches down at her toys "You're a kid too, I'm not naive to come here though, I'm totally aware that you can do nothing to me."

"Yeah right, I can literally put you into the fire right now."The girl chuckled, looking up at the boy beside her. She has the most beautiful (E/c) eyes, though it shows nothing but boredom. "You're a weird kid." The boy chuckled back, grinning lightly at the sight of the dying bird on fire and other weird things.

"Let's  be friends!" He hold out his hands to the girl, hoping she would accept it. "No thank you," the girl answered, grabbing something from the cage beside her. "Is that a hamster? Can we burn it?" The boy gleamed excitingly.

"Denied, I cherish Mr. puffball, he's more amiable compare to any of you humans." The girl answered, petting her dainty hamster. "Oh really? Can I hold him?"


"Please I promise I won't bother you anymore, just let me pet him!"

"You rambunctious kid, shut your yap and just get back to your own backyard!"

"Nah ah.." The girl's face reddened in anger as she tightens her grip on her hamster, so tight that it crushed him, leaving blood and organs in the girl's hand. "Yes! Manipulation teqnique affirmative!"

"I killed him." The girl stared at the flowing blood on her hands, with little tears forming in her eyes. Her breath twitch and her heartbeat slowly increased. "I killed my hamster....no..my friend.."

"Well, I can be your friend!"


The girl was looking down, shading her eyes black. As she wiped the blood on her hands, on her favorite (f/c) (dress/skirt/shorts/pants)
She brushed her hair away from her eyes and looked at the boy who's having a smile on his face.

"Aw, don't cry, let's give Mr. Puffball a proper burial.


"Takeru, you killed him.." The girl stared at her friend with broad eyes, and trembling lips. In front of her was her friend, staring at the bloodstained knife with no conscience. The dark aisles made everything hushed, only the echoes of the girl's increasing heartbeats can be heard.

"Come one (Y/N), let's compose this body before anyone sees us.." he whispered, with a flat voice, staring down to the man below them before slowly dragging him behind a large garbage bin, large enough to hide it temporarily.

"Takeru, we just killed someone..why..why do you act like it's nothing?" With pain in her voice, the girl spoke out, looking at her friend who's dragging a corpse.

'That bastard laid a hand on you, he deserves it

"He tried to do something bad to you-"

"But..you don't have to kill him right? If it's self-defense, why are we hiding it? I mean.. " (Y/N) scoff, lowering her voice as she approached the boy. Takeru looked at her with a dumbfounded expression. "Are you stupid? Of course, we're hiding it, both of us don't want to rot in prison."

"No, I don't, I just think..."The girl reasons both of them would be doomed if they got caught. They can't be exposed, they just murdered someone. No, her friend murdered someone and she's the witness.

But he did it for her sake, right? He stab the guy because he was harassing her. He saved her but that means killing a person? Isn't that too much? 

She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the corpse, gripping her hand that her nails dug to her skin making it bleed.

'This happens because I'm weak, this wouldn't happen if I just accept his offer to walk with him like always, but I was just.....Tch I can't even defend myself from that bastard...'

"You're spacing out, regret this later after we get rid of this 'thing'"


Do you guys want to know how they burn the body? They're pretty clever, so It's just easy ; ) 

Pretentious stomps were heard on the halls, alarming the three. (Y/N) stiffens, Takeru was chill and Ryonosuke backed away step by step. Their eyes were glued to the sound and saw a guy that was being chased by an Evil looking kokeshi.

"Please! Hold my hand!!" The guy screamed as he rushes to the three, reaching out his hand. Ryonouske, runs and grabs his hand, and falls. "You two! Hold hands!" The boy screamed to two with unfazed faces.

The girl looked at the kokeshi, with wide eyes, "You two! DIE! Both of you don't have friends-"

Before the kokeshi can scratch them to death, both of them have the same thoughts to grab each other hands. "We're friends. " The two of them announced in sync, not bothering to look at each other. "Tch!" The evil-ish kokeshi doll took off and leave four of them alone. 

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