after sex again bc sex over 👍

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HI- only thing motivating me to write this? idk prob bc ppl think I'm dead idfk but yeah- new chapter uwu

Sapnap opened his eyes, woah he's awake who would've thought. He looked around and that he was in between Fundy and Dream, they were just sleeping peacefully until there was banging on the door. (I FORGOT I WAS WRITING THIS AHAHA-) But yeah pounding on the door, Sapnap gets up, puts on a hoodie and shorts and goes to open the door. He opens the door and sees Jschlatt with Quackity behind him, with Karl next to him.
"Uhm, hi.? What do you guys need?"
"Quackity and Karl want to speak with you, I just came here to talk with Dream lol."
"You probably shouldn't enter our room right now-" Jschlatt looked at him suspiciously but just shrugged and walked in looking in the fridge for any alcohol.
"Mind if we come in.?" Karl brushed the hair out of his eyes "Yeah, Sure whatever." He moves out of the way leading them to the couch
"So. What do you want Karl." Karl looked around nervously trying to see if there was any sign of Dream.
"I-I just wanted to apologize for what happened before, I-Its was out of rage, I'm sor-"  Sapnap chuckled
"P-Please.! I-I-I can explain why I did that.!!"
"Just. Shut the fuck up Karl. Just shut the fuck up."
Dream soon walks downstairs obviously clothed and stares at everyone "Oh-! I didn't know we had company this early."
"Don't worry, Karl said he was leaving now." Karl looked at Sapnap in shock and soon, in anger. "I-I never said that..." "Yes, you did so leave! You're not welcome here anymore as you told me. So get the fuck out of my house. Your banned from the nether too." "W-WHAT!? THE NETHER? YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE CONTR-"
"You're talking to the Nether prince my guy, so get the fuck out and go back to hanging out with your "gOgY wOgY" and fucking Kinoko kingdom."
Karl stood up and clenched his fists.
"DON'T DISRESPECT GEORGE AND MY FUCKING KINGDOM LIKE TH-" Sapnap pushed Karl back onto the couch with his leg and let it stay there to make sure he stays. Karl blushed.
"Shut the fuck up Karl, seriously. No gives a shit about your damn kingdom. Not me, not Quackity, and not Dream. So you either calm the fuck down or you get out of my house. Understand.?"
Sapnap moved his leg and walked over to Dream kissing him on the lips. "Good morning."
"Good morning Pandas~."
Sapnap giggled at the name, he stared back at Karl who was staring at both of them. "Stop staring." Karl quickly looked away in embarrassment. Sapnap let go of Dream and sat back down where he was sitting. "Alright, now what did you want Big Q?" Quackity chuckled nervously. "W-Well you should start calling me Quackity now and I came here to see Dream as well, I need something from him.." Dream looked up and ran upstairs. Soon running back downstairs and hands Quackity the book of @]÷))@. "Thanks. I'll give it back as soon as possible."
"You can keep it."
Quackity looked at him in shock. "R-Really!?"
"Yeah! Think of it as a truce."
Quackity smiles and put it in his bag he brings everywhere which contained some weapons, food, ender pearls, armor, etc.
(A month later of writing this shit I forgot abt it-) (it's 2 months later now)

Quackity gets up and grabs Jschlatt's arm, "We will be leaving now, let's go Schlatt." Quackity and Jschlatt both exit the house and Karl is just left there, both Sapnap and Dream staring at him, soon Fundy comes downstairs.
"Good mor- What the fuck is Karl doing here?" Karl immediately looks over at Fundy
"What the fuck is Fundy doing here!?" Fundy stares at him all confused, "Aren't you supposed to be with George..?"
"Aren't you supposed to be in Las Nevadas with Quackity?" Fundy backed away slowly "No? I can go anywhere I want.."
"Yeah so can I, so literally just fuck off."
"Wow no need to be so harsh." Fundy scoffed.
"Yeah yeah I can do what I want now please get out of my sight."

Sapnap just outright got fucking angry with Karl, "Who do you think you are!? Coming into MY house and acting like you OWN the place?! You do NOT have any power in this house, nor will you ever. "  All Karl could do was hang his head in shame for acting like that, he just wanted Sapnap back. He missed his fiances but knew he couldn't do anything about it as Jschlatt would literally try to break Karl's skull if he even tried to make a move on Quackity, and Dream.. who knows what the hell he would do but it wouldn't be good that's for sure. "I'm sorry Sapnap.."

"A sorry isn't good enough. Anything you say isn't good enough for the way you just treated Fundy. So get out of my house, I also don't want to see you in the nether. Understood?. " Fundy snuck upstairs to get changed. He soon comes back down, whispers into Dreams ear, kisses him on the cheek and says goodbye to both him and Sapnap. The door closes. "I-i understand Sapnap.."
"Good. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY DAMN HOUSE! " Karl quickly ran out of his house not saying anything to Dream.
"Fucking bitch.." Sapnap sighed, "So,, breakfast.?" Dream just stared at him in shock. "Nah after what just happened I think you need a break from everything right now. Cmon, let's go to my room and just watch some YouTube or Netflix or something. We can cuddle as well if you'd like, and we can order food."

Sapnap walked over to Dream and wrapped his arms around him, " That sounds lovely right now. "


Hi guys! I'm so sorry for not posting a new part in such a long time, but I'm back now as I'm making a random story but yeah, I'm back and I'll try to post more maybe but I don't really know if people will read this part.

Stay safe and I'll talk with you guys sometime soon. Goodbye ! It's also my bday soon so that's gonna be fun ^^

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