Wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong actions

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Heyy :) I'm listening to The Daughter of Evil rn, vocaloid songs r so good 🙏🏽


Dream and Sapnap are just walking around at a mall. Not having a care in the world as they're only focusing on each other.
Sapnap's trying to convince Dream to let him buy something for the taller one.
" C'mon please!! It won't be expensive, I promise! "
Dream sighed,
" I don't care! I don't want you wasting money on me you silly! "

Sapnap pouted and just started to walk in the opposite direction, Dream followed.
" You're mad because I won't let you buy me something!? "
" Yup. "
" You suck. "
" Only for you. "
Dream flicked Sapnaps head. " Dirty minded. "
" meh meh meh meh mEh. "
" I do not sound like that. "
" If you don't let me buy you something then you do sound like that. I don't make the rules. " Sapnap shrugged.
Dream sighed, " If I let you buy me something then you have to let me buy you something, deal? "
" Deal. "
They parted ways to go look for a gift that the other would like.
Dream enters a Spencer's while Sapnap goes into a Gamestop, after not finding anything good he goes into a hot topic.

As Dream enters the Spencer's he sees a familiar face, Rose.
Dream tries to hide behind some hoodies but it was no use, she saw him and goes up to him.

" Hey Clay.~ " She winked at him.
" .. Hi.. uhm, what do you want.? " He was visibly uncomfortable, but no one noticed nor tried to intervene.
" I want you. "
" Very funny Rose, you know we're broken up. Remember what happened last time you came into my house? "

Her eyes immediately widened as she remembered how her whole body hurt. She was hit with a bat after all, it's supposed to hurt, duhhh.

" I don't care! I miss you Dream! Please, just get out of this stupid gay mindset of yours and come back to me! This isn't you!! "
Dream stared at her in disgust as she was ON HER KNEES..
" No. "
Dream just walked past her and grabbed what he was getting for Sapnap.
" Please Clay! I'll do anything!! "
" Anything you say? "
" YES! Yes, yes! Anything! "
" Leave me and my boyfriend alone then. "
Dream walked out of the store and ran to look for Sapnap, he found him sitting at the food court just looking around.
" You'll never guess who I just saw. "
" Who? " Sapnap got curious.
" Rose. "
" No way.. "
" YES WAY!! So, we gotta go now. "
Sapnap sighed sadly, " No messing with her? "
Dream thought about it, " Well.. only for a bit. " They both smiled and made a plan, since Rose was going crazy looking for Dream, they decided why not just kiss when they saw Rose head towards them? They both knew that Rose was homophobic so it would piss her off even more. They decided to not care what people said about it since yknow, everyone believes in Dreamnotfound.
They stand in the middle of the mall and just spoke to eachother, as soon they see Rose running towards them they lean in for a passionate kiss. The mall was sorta empty so not many people could judge.

Rose just stood there staring at them, she then pushed Sapnap out of the way and kissed Dream,
" WHAT THE FUCK!? " Dream pushed her to the ground,
" You just stooped to a new. Fucking. Low. Get your presence out of my fucking face. "
Rose started to tear up, " Clay, please! I just want you back!! Please please please ! "
Dream went up to Sapnap and put his arm around his waist, " Ew, stop begging and get out of our faces. " They walked away with their bags and left the mall.


When Dream and Sapnap got home they heard some strange noises, they completely forgot that George was in a room upstairs so they went to check on him. They peaked into the room he was in and they saw him.... JERKING OFF AHHH!!! kidding, they saw him looking through the closet trying to find something. Sapnap just left and went to his room. Dream went to his room and started a stream.

Give me ideas 🙏🏽

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